STEAMCHARTSAn ongoing analysis of Steam's concurrent players. Apex Legends Store|Hub 103,512 playing2 min ago 152,276 24-hour peak 624,473 all-time peak Compare with others... MonthAvg. PlayersGain% GainPeak Players Last 30 Days96,542.3+1,442.8+1.52%225,810 ...
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
Drop into a realm of legends and heroes with Apex Legends statistics. Track legends' popularity and the game's global impact.
关于《Apex英雄》(Apex Legends)未出现在Steam年度总结中的情况,可能涉及多种原因。以下是对这一问题的详细分析: 一、游戏在Steam的状态 游戏锁国区: 《Apex英雄》在Steam平台上并未对中国大陆地区开放,这可能导致中国大陆地区的玩家在Steam上无法直接搜索到并游玩该游戏。因此,这部分玩家的游戏数据可能不会被计入Ste...
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
5月18日,由EA旗下Respawn重生工作室和腾讯光子工作室群联合开发的《Apex Legends Mobile》(以下简称《Apex英雄手游》)正式开启全球公测,在上线首日iOS累计登顶86个国家和地区的免费榜,Google Play的下载榜中也在44个国家进行登顶。 当前《Apex英雄手游》全球畅销榜排名 ...
everything turned out as good as possible for both the game and its creators. Perhaps the key factor here was the release of Apex Legends on Steam, which took place in November 2020. It allowed the game to greatly expand its audience (as the shooter instantly entered the website’s top...
Apex Legends is a free to play hero shooter/Battle Royale developed by Respawn Entertainment, and is currently one of the most popular games in the world often found near the top of the Twitch charts. If you're planning the best PC build for Apex Legends to get the most bang for your ...
Apex Legends X Post Malone Event徽章的四个独特变体,重生的羊毛肯定要薅!! 而且活动期间观看老鼠台还能掉宝奖励。 本次联名同款包包售价3000金币/个(一个抢皮/人物皮肤/全息喷漆/旗帜), 联名贴纸售价300金币/个【一共20个,全部都买了还送3个传说贴纸】 大家赶紧冲呀!!! 顺手提一嘴,奥丁上架了APEX限免~~~...