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In Apex Legends, le aree di vulnerabilità di una leggenda dipendono dalle sue dimensioni e non sono uguali per ogni leggenda. Le leggende con aree di vulnerabilità più piccole sono più difficili da danneggiare. Di solito, le leggende più grandi avranno anche delle aree di vulnera...
9988 火焰狮子奔跑Logo动画Apex Predator Lion Reveal 16963500,Apex英雄 – Legendary Hunt Event,vivo APEX 全面屏概念手机宣传视频,24 - 顶级传奇赛季2 战斗费用(24 - APEX LEGENDS SEASON 2 BATTLE CHARGE),Apex Legends-紧急情况_启动预告片_(Apex Legend
Passiv: Predator-Verfolgung - Ashs Karte zeigt die Position der letzten Todeskisten an. Passiv 2: Jetschub. Nach Upgrade Doppel-Jetschub. Ultimative Fähigkeit: Phasenriss. Erzeuge ein Einweg-Portal zur gewünschten Position. Ballistic
Apex Legends Account PC • S1 and S2 Predator badges, charms, and trails • S3 Master badge, charm, and trail • Level 500 • Pathfinder Heirloom • Nearly 20,000 kills • 118/125 Legendary Items This account has over 2,000 hours and also includes several games such as: Titanf...
= 508Masters and Preds* Switch 16,000 RP = 117Masters and Preds* Chart Line chart with 4 lines. Daily evolution of Apex Predator ranked points cap (at 1 PM UTC each day) The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Ranked points. Data ranges from ...
Player stats Pack calculator Stats Compare Tournament Stats (DGS) ALGS Stats Custom games stats Game stats Legends pick rates Ranked distribution Predator ranked point cap Cosmetics stats Steam stats Meta: Win rate/pick rate New season countdown Tournament Map Leaderboards All stats leaderboard ...
Mit diesen Änderungen sollte Ash der Apex Predator werden, der sie immer sein sollte. BALLISTIC Bei Ballistic werden einige seiner Lieblingsupgrades, die zusätzliche Aufladung und der Schlingenaufstieg in sein Basis-Kit integriert, wodurch er in der Frühphase des Spiels noch nützlicher ...
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