To show up in your country leaderboard, claim your account first by clickinghere. Ranked points needed to reach predator are availablehere. #Player nameLevel #1viicro6,961 #2CatchMyWhistler6,732 #3AzayBae6,663 #4IX-UltronGazz-XI6,594 ...
To show up in your country leaderboard, claim your account first by clickinghere. Ranked points needed to reach predator are availablehere. #Player nameBR Kills B_BOY_K_D 61,402 #27 MiraBom 61,000 #28 iChii4reL 58,311 #29 56,895 ...
What are the Apex Legends ranks? Rookie Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master Once you’re Master rank, you can earn the title of Apex Predator. Apex Predators are the top 750 players per platform in the Master rank. Where you place at the end of a Season changes which tier and div...
If you like, we can even push you all the way to the top of the leaderboard, the prestigious Apex Predator rank. It’s up to you. About our Apex Legends Ranked boost service We guarantee to get you to your desired RP and rank when you use our service. If we fail to deliver, ...
Pick rates gives you all pick rates for each legends in the current season. See the ranked status using the Predator LP cap, giving you the LP threshold to reach Apex Predator, or the ranked distribution, showing you the percentage of players within each rank. ...
The top Apex Legends Predator players on PC are all playing on controllers, proving it has become the dominant wat to play the game on all platforms. Recommended Videos As pointed out in a Reddit thread on May 31, controller players have been dominating the battle royale’s ...
A big part of the Apex Legends community is the leaderboard for the ranked mode. As players duke it out on the map, only the best of the best can make it to the top of the board. Heading deeper into season 18, a new name made ...
FYI, when a Predator player is banned, they are automatically removed from the Predator leaderboard, resulting in them being demoted to "Master". Their LP isn't reset, just the ladder rank.— Apex Legends Status (@_ApexStatus) August 23, 2023 Notably, the ...
While Apex Legends faces many of the same challenges seen in Warzone and other FPS titles in regards to cheating, what sets the title apart from these other shooters is how active Hideouts and the rest of the security team for Apex is in enforcing bans against cheating players. In this ca...
What are the Apex Legends ranks? Rookie Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master Once you’re Master rank, you can earn the title of Apex Predator. Apex Predators are the top 750 players per platform in the Master rank. Where you place at the end of a Season changes which tier and div...