Steam版Apex Legends 帧率解锁教程网络游戏 2020-11-8 右击Apex Legends,点击属性 2.点击设置启动选项 3.输入 +fps_max unlimited 后点击确定 成功解锁144帧锁定本文为我原创本文禁止转载或摘编-- -- -- 分享到: 投诉或建议 评论 bilibili 关于我们联系我们用户协议加入我们友情链接隐私政策bilibili认证Investor Rel...
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Avoid FPS cap in Apex Legends To make sure you have no FPS cap in Apex Legends, you need to add a command line to Apex Legends’ launch options in Steam and EA App. Close Apex Legends if it’s open Open the EA App or Steam. Go to your Game Library and right-click on Apex Legen...
【《Apex Leg..回复 KASSSA粉碎一切 :一个打职业比赛服务器被黑客黑的不敢进行对局于是私下里偷偷摸摸打完结算赛事的游戏,很难让我不相信是重生那帮人在偷懒
Add “+fps maxunlimited” into the command line arguments. All this does is let the game know not to cap your FPS, it’s perfectly safe! That’s the main thing you can do to make sure you’re running the best Apex Legends settings. Playing with a better frame rate is going to give...
第一步,用浏览器打开steam官网:,然后点登陆,输入账号密码登录;如下图: 第二步,登录成功之后,在网站导航的搜索框搜“Apex Legends”,在搜索结果列表打开“Apex Legends”;如下图所示: 第三步,在Apex Legends游戏介绍页,按键盘的“F12”键,然后在右侧打开的界面找到“控制台”,然...
+cl_showfps 4– Shows FPS in-game. This can also be achieved with steam overlaysettings, NVIDIA, or FRAPS. You can also find this setting inside the game options of Apex Legends. If you want to use this, go for it by all means. ...
Pick your character. Round up your squad. Show everyone what Legends are made of.暢銷商品 新推出 即將發行 折扣 篩選依據: 全部0 搜尋結果可能會根據您的排除部分產品 © 2024 Valve Corporation. 版權所有。所有商標皆為各自所有權人在美國與其他國家 (地區) 之財產。 所有價格均包含增值稅(如適用)...
Apex Legends中如何连接到EA账户并启用Steam界面的步骤 操作方法: 1.在电脑中打开steam。 2.点击打开steam设置界面。 3.点击游戏中选项。 4.点击勾选在游戏中启用steam界面选项即可。 关于连接至您的EA账户需要启动Steam页面的内容,我们在此介绍到这里,如果您在游戏中遇到任何困难,我们为您提供满意的答案,因此,欢迎...
Apex Legends steam stats 142,939Current ▼0 148,498 Maximum today624,473 Maximum lifetimeSteam players - over the last 7 days, 5mins stepChart Chart with 2013 data points. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Steam Players. Data ranges from ...