需要調整一些設定以順暢執行您的遊戲嗎?瞭解如何啟用每秒幀率 (FPS) 計數器來衡量 PC 性能。 閱讀文章 仍需要協助? 與我們在線上聊天
which will increase quality and will still result in Apex Legends getting an FPS boost in-game. That said, it’s always better to play a full round testing both Enabled and Enabled+Boost to see what your preference is.
按照以下步骤在 PC 上打开《Apex Legends》的 FPS 计数器。 帧率(FPS)有助于确定游戏的流畅程度。大多数玩家将 60 帧率左右作为《Apex Legends》的标准设定。 你可以打开帧率跟踪来监控是否应关闭其他游戏设置。例如,如果帧率低于 60,你可以调低某些设置;或调整自适应分辨率帧率目标,你可以访问视频设置选项卡下的高级...
游戏问题解决!..度娘再次吞我帖子Apex Legends是沿用《泰坦》(Titanfall)世界观设定,由艺电发行的免费大逃杀类多人在线角色扮演第一人称射击游戏。游戏发行三天累计人数破千万无奈游戏发行在令人诟病的烂橘
How to get 120 FPS on console Avoid FPS cap in Apex Legends To make sure you have no FPS cap in Apex Legends, you need to add a command line to Apex Legends’ launch options in Steam and EA App. CloseApex Legendsif it’s open ...
Want to know different launch options and commands for Apex Legends on Windows? Then check this complete list of Apex Legends launch command and options.
Add “+fps maxunlimited” into the command line arguments. All this does is let the game know not to cap your FPS, it’s perfectly safe! That’s the main thing you can do to make sure you’re running the best Apex Legends settings. Playing with a better frame rate is going to give...
Step 6: In the textbox ‘Command Line Arguments’ type -novid. You can do this because of Valve’s Source Engine powers Apex Legends. Other commands that are working are: +cl_showfps 1 cl_showfps 2 The above two commands show FPS (frame-rate per second) on the screen but it takes...
There are two different methods to remove the FPS cap in Apex Legends, and we will explain both of them here. How to Remove the FPS cap: Launch Options The first method and the method we recommend is to add a command line to the launch options in the Origin Launcher. ...
If you want to enter multiple launch parameters then just add a space between each command In order to use the commands on Origin: Launch Origin Go to your Library Select Apex Legends, and click on the Settings icon Click on Game Properties ...