Using Steam - DX12 Beta. So, while we are still working on this scenario, we just wanted to confirm if you already tried the troubleshooting steps shown in the following link:
Apex Legends Crash when using it in dx12 (it crashes in the select menu)Subscribe More actions klt Beginner 09-03-2024 06:29 AM 971 Views here's my ssu report i updated my drivers by the time im lagging a lot using dx11. I tried to reinstall the game bu...
Surprisingly, using a VPN seems to fix the crashes. While the exact reason is unclear, this serves as a temporary solution until Apex Legends resolves the underlying issue causing the crashes. Skip to minute @ 0.20 to see the crash [CM - updated thread title to add a bit more c...
The crash occurred due to a null pointer dereference in the r5apex_dx12.exe module, specifically in the function ffxGetCommandListDX12. This is a common type of error where the program attempts to access memory that hasn't been initialized or has been set to null....
AMD is up-to-date with true DX12 support, they have always contributed to and promoted open standards. So much of why games will run on NVidia is that instead of the game developers actually making sure they are following the DX standards they are actually coding for the GPU and...
AMD is up-to-date with true DX12 support, they have always contributed to and promoted open standards. So much of why games will run on NVidia is that instead of the game developers actually making sure they are following the DX standards they are actually coding for the GPU and...
Apex Legends released on Origin on February 4, 2019. At launch, many players experienced issues with crash to desktop at random intervals, which appears to have been fixed for many PC players in a stability patch on March 22, 2019.[2] The game is one of the most popular online PC games...
简介:Apex靶场练习日常,和舍友激情对”焯“,两次爆头导致舍友原;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 207、弹幕量 0、点赞数 6、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 小
我怀疑是dx的问题,我的是dx12,显卡是4070ti。之前下哪个盗版网站的游戏下过dx安装包。可能是这个原因,但是我用各种修复工具,c++也下载了,还是进不去游戏。 分享62 apex英雄吧 Y1657802828 我apex更新之后,进游戏就闪退有同样情况的么哪位大佬给解决解决 分享43 apex英雄吧 贴吧用户_7Z8b9D5 apex闪退已经没生意...
Apex legends 游戏闪退问题解决方案: 玩家在游戏中切勿切换输入法,保证显卡驱动为417版本,若显卡驱动高于该版本,请退回 Apex legends 游戏报错:engine errot 该问题是由于显卡驱动不兼容造成的,请更新或退回您的显卡驱动为417版本即可解决该问题 Apex legends 游戏读取进度条界面闪退的5种解决方法: 1.使用管理员权限...