艺术家:米山 舞 Yoneyama Mai - COMITIA148 に-17a 艺术家:米山 舞 Yoneyama Mai - COMITIA148 に-17a 艺术家:米山 舞 Yoneyama Mai - COMITIA148 に-17a 艺术家:米山 舞 Yoneyama Mai - COMITIA148 に-17a 艺术家:米山 舞 Yoneyama Mai - COMITIA148 に-17a 还有想看的或者更好的建议,可以私信up主或在...
Alter est la Légende la plus récente des Jeux Apex. C'est une Légende d'escarmouche. Alter est sortie lors de la saison 21. Capacités d’Alter Capacité passive: Cadeau de la Faille Détectez des caisses de frag à travers les murs et pillez-y un objet. ...
Alter技能介绍预览:被动技能:虚空礼物(Gift from the Rift)Alter可以隔空舔包,哪怕这个箱子离你很远也能舔到,虽然只能舔一个物品,而且还不能舔护甲,但是作为被动技能,随时补个大电大药什么的,还是很方便的。战术能力:虚空通道 Alter拥有穿墙术,可以在墙面上创造一个虚空通道,类似于传送门的效果,可以让...
《Apex英雄》(Apex Legends),作为一款备受欢迎的战术竞技射击游戏,以其独特的玩法和丰富多样的传奇角色吸引了大量玩家,每个赛季的更新都牵动着玩家的心,而第21赛季的发布更是带来了全新的传奇角色——Alter,Alter以其独特的虚空控制能力,迅速成为战场上的新星,为玩家带来了全新的战术选择和游戏体验。 Alter的技能组合...
4.5万 -- 1:26 App Apex Legends 和平捍卫者进化皮肤靶场BUG。 5.4万 9 0:27 App 天才新传奇玩法?! 2.9万 -- 0:25 App 【APEX】弹道新天赋技巧——一局只能用两次的光速换弹 1.5万 6 0:33 App 能反应我的变脸吗?老弟 5.9万 141 4:25 App 【Apex】第21赛季100级3030皮肤"虚空冲动" 2.4万 ...
Legend: Alter. Apex Artifacts. Shockwave (Season 22) Dates: August 6, 2024-November 4, 2024. E-District map. Akimbo pistols. From the Rift (Season 23) Dates: November 5, 2024–February 10, 2025. Legend rework: Lifeline. Upgrades for Support Legends. Looking for more? Keep an eye on ...
Jump into the Battle Royale revolution with Apex Legends for Xbox. Outwit your opponents with unique character abilities and deep tactical team play.
Jump into the Battle Royale revolution with Apex Legends for Xbox. Outwit your opponents with unique character abilities and deep tactical team play.
Season 1 and Season 2 Legends without Legend perks. Lifeline revived Lifeline’s got new skills to bring to the Ring, with updated Tactical, Passive, and Ultimate abilities. Updated Tactical: D.O.C Heal Drone. Call your Drone of Compassion (D.O.C) to follow you or an ally, providing...
Season 1 and Season 2 Legends without Legend perks. Lifeline revived Lifeline’s got new skills to bring to the Ring, with updated Tactical, Passive, and Ultimate abilities. Updated Tactical: D.O.C Heal Drone. Call your Drone of Compassion (D.O.C) to follow you or an ally, providing...