Alternator造成伤害605,排名第一,平均距离27。 Eva-8造成伤害370,排名第一,平均距离9。 [0,10]距离内造成了1449伤害,[10,20] 421伤害,[20,30] 686伤害, [30,40]654伤害。 以下是承伤来源前四分析: 全队Havoc承伤989,排名第2,平均距离23. 吃毒承伤449排名第2。 Alternator承伤416,排名1,平均距离10。 烟...
Редкийобликдляоружия Alternator «Тыквенныйкошмар» РедкаярамкабаннерадляПатфайндераиБезумнойМэгги «Страшныетыквы» ...
Assault Rifle 突击步枪R-301 Carbine R-301卡宾枪Hemlok Burst AR 赫姆洛克连发枪/汉洛VK-47 Flatline VK-47平行步枪Havoc Rifle 哈沃克步枪 Sub Machine Gun 冲锋枪R-99 SMG R-99冲锋枪Alternator SMG 转换者冲锋枪Volt SMG 电能冲锋枪Prowler Burst PDW 猎兽冲锋枪CAR SMG CAR冲锋枪 Light Machine Gun 机枪M...
An Apex Legends Predator’s best friend, the Wingman is a sturdy sidearm to keep handy. Sweaty Wraiths everywhere run this for its quick 2-3 shot kill potential. It can be extremely effective even at medium to long ranges in the right hands. It takes some practice to get used to, but...
Join the Apex Games ready for battle with the PlayStation®Plus Play Pack. This collection of content will trick out specific weapons and Legends in special gear. This pack includes: -2 character skins (Mad Maggie & Pathfinder) -2 weapon skins (Havoc, Alternator SMG) ...
新增:Wingman,Sentinel,Havoc,G7,Alternator赫姆洛克稍微向右增加前三发的水平后坐力(在连拍模式下为第一次连拍)在模式的后期增加后坐力降低单发模式下的后坐力乘数,以帮助补偿花样中的额外后坐力。多数情况下应在连发模式而非单发模式下增加后坐降低爆头倍率2.0-> 1.75(44-> 39爆头伤害无头盔基础角色)开发说明...
CONTROLLER LEGENDS Caustic Wattson Rampart Catalyst More info on Legends Weapons Assault Rifles HAVOC RifleVK-47 Flatline Hemlok Burst ARNemesis Burst AR R-301 Carbine Sub machine guns Alternator SMGProwler Burst PDW R-99 SMGVolt SMG C.A.R. SMG ...
新增:Wingman,Sentinel,Havoc,G7,Alternator 赫姆洛克 稍微向右增加前三发的水平后坐力(在连拍模式下为第一次连拍) 在模式的后期增加后坐力 降低单发模式下的后坐力乘数,以帮助补偿花样中的额外后坐力。多数情况下应在连发模式而非单发模式下增加后坐 ...
Alternator – Submachine gun We know it’s weird to think about, but the Alternator isn’t the worst gun out there. It deals more damage per shot than the R-99, but it suffers from a slower fire rate and small magazine sizes. However, it’s hard to compare this to any of the weap...
Bloodhound and the Alternator / Apex Legends\Respawn Entertainment Bloodhound’s Legendary Skin and the Alternator in the Apex Legend’s Harbinger Collection Event. Gibraltar and the Charge Rifle / Apex Legends\Respawn Entertainment Gibraltar's Legendary Skin and the Charge Rifle in the Apex Legend’...