Oracle Application Express logs successfully submitted message in the tableAPEX_MAIL_LOGwith the timestamp reflecting your server's local time. Keep in mind, the most efficient approach to sending email is to create a background job (using aDBMS_JOBpackage) to periodically send all mail messages ...
35.9 SEND白央件弁扑亦件及扑弘生民乓2 35.10 SEND皿伕扑奈斥乓及扑弘生民乓1 35.11 SEND皿伕扑奈斥乓及扑弘生民乓2 36 APEX_MARKDOWN 37 APEX_PAGE 38 APEX_PLUGIN 39 APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL 40 APEX_PWA 41 APEX_REGION 42 APEX_REST_SOURCE_SYNC ...
复制 globalwithsharingclassExampleBatchableContextBatchimplementsDatabase.Batchable{publicfinal String query;publicfinal Id toUserId;publicfinal Id fromUserId;global Database.QueryLocatorstart(Database.BatchableContextBC){returnDatabase.getQueryLocator(query);}globalvoidexecute(Database.BatchableContextBC,listsc...
BC.getJobId()]; system.debug('>>>AsyncApexJob::'+jobItem); // Send an email to the Apex...String[] {jobItem.CreatedBy.Email}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setSubject('Apex...Sharing Recalculation ' + jobItem.Status); mail.setPlainTextBody ('The batch Apex job 1.1K30...
{BooleansendResult=true;// sendEmail returns an array of result objects.// Iterate through the list to inspect results.// In this class, the methods send only one email,// so we should have only one result.for(Messaging.SendEmailResultres:results){if(res.isSuccess()){System.debug('Email...
apex class that identifies the user based on the user's email address and creates records on behalf of that user. to use email services, from setup, enter email services in the quick find box, then select email services . click new email service to define a new email service. se...
Salesforce app to generate UML class & ER-diagrams from your org data. Leverages the PlantUML library. auto-layoutplantumlsalesforceapexuml-diagramer-diagramclass-diagram-generator UpdatedOct 18, 2023 JavaScript craftzdog/send-email-lambda
{BooleansendResult=true;// sendEmail returns a list of result objects.// Iterate through the list to inspect results.// In this class, the methods send only one email,// so we should have only one result.for(Messaging.SendEmailResultres:results){if(res.isSuccess()){System.debug('Email...
Apex 基础知识合辑 快速入手 Salesforce Apex 什么是 Apex Apex 是一种类似于 Java 的强类型、面向对象编程语言。在 Apex 类中,语法上可定义方法、变量、静态代码块等,变量用于定义对象的属性,比如对象的名称或者类型,而方法用于定义对象的行为;业务上可将逻辑事件绑定到系统事件中,比如按钮的点击、数据的更新...
then use http classes to send the document to an external server. the xmlstreamwriter class is similar to the xmlstreamwriter utility class from stax . the xmlstreamwriter class in apex is based on its counterpart in java. see the java xmlstreamwriter class . note xmlstreamwriter ...