You can use the APEX_MAIL package to send emails from Oracle APEX applications deployed in Autonomous Transaction Processing. See Autonomous Database for Transaction Processing and Mixed Workloads and Provision Autonomous Database for more information. Important These instructions contain sample code for ...
apex_mail.send( p_to =>'',--收件者 p_from =>'',-- 发送者 p_body => l_body, p_subj =>'邮件主题 hello'); END; 完 提示:如果你以上步骤都设置无误,但还是发不出去,有可能设置的其他项影响的。 用sys 账号执行下列代码 SELECT * FROM dba_network_acls;...
Only players who you're friends with in-game will appear on your gifting list. If your friend doesn’t appear here, your friend may need to accept your friend request in-game. Once they do, you can send them gifts when you’ve been friends in-game for at least two weeks. If you’...
called.// The exception is written to the Apex debug log.catch(QueryExceptione){System.debug('Query Issue: '+e);}// Set the result to true. No need to send an email back to the user// with an error messageresult.success=true;// Return the result for the Apex Emai...
that you create in your sandbox can’t be copied to your production org. for each email service, you can tell salesforce to send error email messages to a specified address instead of the sender's email address. email services reject email messages and notify the sender if the emai...
Use them to catch up to your squad or get back in the Ring. Error codes If you’re looking for a phrase you think is an error code, check out our error codes article for help. Looking for more? Check out the Apex Legends boards on Answers HQ to get help from other players and ...
Code Issues Pull requests Salesforce app to generate UML class & ER-diagrams from your org data. Leverages the PlantUML library. auto-layoutplantumlsalesforceapexuml-diagramer-diagramclass-diagram-generator UpdatedOct 18, 2023 JavaScript craftzdog/send-email-lambda ...
// below code will send an email to User about the status String[] email = new String[]{'.com'};mail.setToAddresses(email);mail.setReplyTo(''); // Add here your email address mail.setSenderDisplayName('Apex Batch Processing Module');mail.setSubject('Batch Processing '+...
您可以使用 Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code 在您的客户端电脑上编写和调试 Apex。请参见 Salesforce Visual Studio Code Extensions(Salesforce Visual Studio 代码扩展)。 您还可以直接在浏览器中使用 Salesforce 的用户界面编写 Apex 并访问调试信息。在您的名字或快速访问菜单 () 下打开 Developer ...
The code then stores all the other OUT parameter values in local variables. DECLARE l_workspace VARCHAR2(255); l_user_name VARCHAR2(100); l_first_name VARCHAR2(255); l_last_name VARCHAR2(255); l_web_password VARCHAR2(255); l_email_address VARCHAR2(240); l_start_date DATE; l_end...