閣下可點擊此連結:https://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/forms/hk-visas/apec-business-travel-card.html索取APEC商務旅行卡的申請表格。請填妥ID900表格,並附上照片及以下文件: 香港永久性居民身份證正面影印本; 有效護照影印本,個人資料(國籍、簽發日期及屆滿日期)須清晰可見; 照片;及 你的僱主為申請而撰寫的證明函件...
The APEC business travel card is available in two versions: physical and virtual. The virtual ABTC is an innovative new method for business travelling at your fingertips through the cardholder’s smart device, launched by the Business Mobility Group. The difference between the physical and the vir...
1. 亚太经合组织商务旅游证 “亚太经合组织商务旅游证”(APEC business travel card) 指符合以下说明的证件─ (a)由以下人士发出─ (i)入境事务处处 … www.chinalawedu.com|基于50个网页 2. 亚太商务旅行卡 > 持有适用墨西哥之亚太商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card),且 该卡片背面有印载MEX字样之外籍商...
APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card)是亚太经合组织工商理事会(ABAC)于1996年向APEC领导人会议提出的一项重要建议,该计划旨在便利APEC范围内各经济体的商务人员来往。持有人凭有效护照和旅行卡在5年内无需办理入境签证,可自由往来于已批准入境的各APEC经济体之间,并在主要机场出入境时享有使用APEC商务旅行卡专用...
APEC商务旅行卡来了!“一卡在手,说走就走”.2024-01-19 [3]山东省济宁市人民政府外事办公室. 市外办主任杨福雪解读APEC商务旅行卡有关申办政策程序.2020-12-04 [4]江苏省扬州市人民政府外事办公室. 一卡在手通行亚太——扬州APEC商务旅行卡政策解读.2020-08-24 [5]云南省怒江州人民政府外事办公室. ...
(PVC)for international travel in 2021.The Canadian COVID-19 PVC is a standardized and interoperable credential,based on SMART Health Card specifications.It provides a factual,digitally verifiable record 105、 of the holders vaccination history that can be used by border officials to determine what ...
0/300 保存 相似政策 [1]重庆市人民政府外事办公室. 重庆市人民政府外事办公室关于印发《重庆市APEC商务旅行卡申办实施细则》的通知.2023-05-09 [2]山东省滨州市人民政府外事办公室. 市外办党组书记、主任苏涛解读APEC商务旅行卡政策.2023-03-23 [3]山东省烟台市人民政府外事办公室. 烟台市人民政府外事办公...
ABTC – APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC). The physical card you’ll receive to cross the borders with. CBP CBP- This is the U.S. Customs and Border Protection department. For both humans as well as products coming in and out of USA land. GOES GOES – Global Online Enrollment System....
I recently had my APEC Business Travel Card approved and I was wondering what length of stay this qualifies me for Thailand. A Google search hasn't given me a definitive answer. All the information I got was that participating economies give entry length on the ABTC for either 60 or 90 ...
首先, 何谓APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card , ABTC)? 入境APEC国家一般要求商务签证,而每次出入境均须申请及付款,既耗时又昂贵,如果你需要经常出差公干,则倍添繁复。 由21个成员经济体组成的APEC推出的APEC商务旅行卡(ABTC),大小仅如一张信用卡,可以为你免却签证烦恼。