APEC Business Travel Card application analysis APEC商务旅行卡系根据APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card,中文全称“亚太经合组织商务旅行卡”,以下简称“旅行卡”)计划,经过申请批准,由APEC范围内各经济体的相关商务人员持有,可直接出入各APEC经济体的旅行证件。 The APEC Business Travel Card is based on th...
The APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) issued by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) allows cardholders to enjoy visa-free travel and fast-track special APEC lanes for short term business travel of up to 60 days or 90 days. Learn about the benefits, eligibility criteria, application p...
The Application Process *In the case of Hong Kong, the applicant must apply to the economy in which they hold PR. Participating Economies and Entry Requirements CountryLength of StayTravel PurposePorts of Entry Australia90 daysCan travel for tourism and businessCan enter at all ports of entry ...
(6) Completion of the "APEC Business Travel Card Application Form". Q How to use the ABTC? A: The card should be used alongside the passport. To enter or exit an APEC economy, the cardholder must present both the valid ABTC and the passport originally used during the application process...
APEC商务旅行卡系根据APEC商务旅行卡(APEC Business Travel Card ,中文全称“亚太经合组织商务旅行卡”,以下简称“旅行卡”) 计划,经过申请批准,由APEC范围内各经济体的相关商务人员持有,可直接出入各APEC经济体的旅行证件。 目前,APEC共有21个经济体,分别是:日本(JPN...
Speed through participating airports by applying for your APEC Business Travel Card. Sign up now & get reimbursed for your application fee when it's approved!
— APEC商务旅行卡是什么 APEC商务旅行卡(英文全称 APEC Business Travel Card,以下简称“旅行卡”)计划,于1996年由亚太经合组织工商理事会(ABAC)向APEC领导人会议提出,这一建议旨在便利APEC范围内各经济体的商务人员往来。持卡人一旦获得APEC相关经济体的批准,即可凭借“有效护照”和与该护照相关联的“旅行卡”,在...
持卡人持有效旅行卡和申办时使用的有效护照出入有关经济体。持卡人只能出入已获批准的经济体,以英文缩写字样标注在旅行卡背面。加入旅行卡计划的各经济体主要口岸均设有旅行卡专用通道,标识通常为“APEC Business Travel Card”。 ⭐如何保管旅行卡? 国有企业...
How long does an APEC Business Travel Card application take? The application process normally takes two or three months from when you submit your application, allowing for time to notify all participating APEC countries and regions of your name and personal particulars for pre-clearance aut...