APA REFERENCE LlST STYLE GUIDE*GENERAL REFERENCE LIST GUIDELlNESBegin with the heading "References" (without the quotes) centered on the top line of a new page. Entries aredouble spaced (unlike the examples set below) with "hanging" indentation (the 1Sl line is full width at theleft ...
** See theAPA Style Guide to Electronic Referencesfor information on how to format URLs that take up more than one line. Examples: Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers References to periodical articles must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, article title,...
** See theAPA Style Guide to Electronic Referencesfor information on how to format URLs that take up more than one line. Examples: Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers References to periodical articles must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, article title,...
The full references for the citations are then listed at the end of your assignment paper in the References list. It is important to first consult your unit outline, lecturer or tutor for the preferred citation style for each unit you undertake. ...
followed by ‘et al’ and then the date. After the first instance, for more than 3 authors, the source should be cited as the first author and then ‘et al’ and the date (DeCleene & Fogo, 2012; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as Smith et al (date). Therefore, as APA style is ...
Need to create an APA in-text citation for a source without an author? How about an APA in-text citation for multiple authors? Continue reading to see the other ways to structure an APA style in-text citation. APA In-Text Citations for Sources with Multiple Authors ...
•Useaconsistentstyletocommunicateclearly •Usetherulesforcitingvarioussourcestosaveyourtime •Learnavaluableskillthatisusefulforuniversityandthefuture 4 CitationInText •Citebyauthoranddatetheworksused•Forsingleauthor –Walker(2001)comparedreactiontimes…–Inastudyofreactiontimes(Walker,2001)…Reference:...
In Chicago, you can choose either parenthetical citations or footnotes for in-text citations. Chicago’s parenthetical citations also use an author-date style just like APA citations; however, there is no comma between the author and year (although there is a comma between the year and the...
Using the APA Referencing Style IntroductionWhat is a Referencing Style and Why is it Used?What Should You Reference?Conventions of In-text ReferencingQuizDifferent Ways of Using the Author/Date RuleMain Characteristics of the Simple Author/Date RuleAPA Rules Governing... C Bond,C Hunter 被引量...
‘et al’ and then the date. After the first instance, for more than 3 authors, the source should be cited as the first author and then ‘et al’ and the date (DeCleene & Fogo, 2012; Adair & Vohra, 2003), such as Smith et al (date). Therefore, as APA style is one of the ...