Citations in APA Style The following style of citation is based on the fifth edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Elements of reference for a periodical: 1. Journal article, one author: Grimsley, T. R. (2003). In search of the typical eyewitness. ...
其规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文末参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。 文内文献引用(Reference Citations i...
文献引用格式+参考文献(APA Style)文献引用格式参考文献apastyle APA Style(see pages 72-78) In-text citations: One author: A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling 2005). Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. Two authors: A recent study ...
Whether online or in print, magazine articles are a great source for many types of projects and papers. This guide will show you how to format citations for magazine articles in APA format following guidelines for the 7th edition. (Looking for how tocite a journal article in APA style? Lea...
In-text citation (O’Neil & Egin, 1992) -- or -- O’Neil & Egin (1992) stated… Journal Article Reference List Author(s) same as book author(s). (2005). Preferred number of sexual partners: Tails of distributions and tales of mating systems. Evolution and Human Behavior, 26(3),...
APA (American Psychological Association) Citation Style Reference Citations in Text: Document throughout your text by citing the author (last name) and date of publication for the works used in your research. Do not use suffixes such as Jr. in the authors’ names. Walker (2000) ...
If the issue has no editors, move the issue title to the author position and alphabetize the reference entry. Full APA LibraryGuide. Read pages 1 - 3 to learn how to do in-text citations in APA.Academic Search Elite - Journal Article with no author- APA. Strategic. Check out our new...
今天,我对APA格式的作者名的文内引用格式(In-Text Citations: Author/Authors)一探究竟。 1. 引用两位作者的作品: 引用作品时,在括号中标明两位作者。 在文本中的作者姓名之间使用“and”,并在括号中使用&符号。 例如:Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports... (Wegener & Petty, 1994) 2. 引用...
Newspaper article, no author As prices surge, Thailand pitches OPEC-style rice cartel. (2008, May 5).The Wall Street Journal, p. A9. Newspaper article, multiple authors, discontinuous pages Delaney, K. J., Karnitschnig, M., & Guth, R. A. (2008, May 5). Microsoft ends pursuit of ...
然后在\end{document}前加入如下代码,citations是你的bib文件的名字。 \bibliographystyle{apacite} \bibliography{citations} 接着就可以在正文中引用文献了,\cite{}是以(作者,年份)的格式引用,\citeA{}则是以作者(年份)的格式引用。 文献文档的准备