3)对于采访对象的话的引用 这属于自己研究的一部分,不需要添加在reference中,引用规则基本与上面的 一致(少于40词加双引号,多于40词另起一行) 另外还有信件等personal documents的引用,参考:https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/archival 五、参考文献 reference list 1、基本原则 要素包括作...
11 27/02/2020 Western Sydney University Library APA Referencing Style Guide CHAPTER, ARTICLE OR SECTION IN A BOOK Reference list For a section in an authored book, provide a reference entry for the whole book and add the chapter, article or section page numbers in the in-text citation. ...
Formattablesandfigures Centerthetitle–References--atthetopofthepageDouble-spacereferenceentries DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirst...
A reference page is the section of a piece of writing that displays the bibliographical information for all the sources used, such as the title of the source, the publisher, and the publication date. “Reference page” is the name used by the APA format, although other styles have their ow...
Formattablesandfigures Centerthetitle–References--atthetopofthepageDouble-spacereferenceentries DoNOTinclude“Runninghead:”intheheaderafterthetitlepage!FlushleftthefirstlineoftheentryandindentsubsequentlinesOrderentriesalphabeticallybytheauthor’ssurnames Invertauthors’names(lastnamefirst...
The APA reference page/bibliography should be in the same font as the rest of your paper. However, APA Style does not actually call for one specific font. According to Section 2.19 of the Publication Manual, the main requirement is to choose a font that is readable and accessible to all ...
The recommended font and size is Times New Roman, point 12. The text must be double-spaced. The rest of the section looks as follows, with the indent for the entire entry (except the reference): Twain, M. (2020).The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Penguin Books Press. ...
注意在后面的reference页面,标明字母对应的来源。 组织或机构 在第一个引用中写出该公司或组织的全名,并在方括号中将缩写放在旁边。 如果再次引用该组或组织,则仅包括缩写。 如果没有对应的缩写,则每次都要写出整个组织的名称。 例如: 第一次引用有缩写: (World Health Organization [WHO], Year) ...
For more information about how to format a manuscript, see the many links in our additional resources section. Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5 X 11 inches) with margins of 1 inch on all sides. Your final essay should include, in the order indicated ...