英文期刊最常用的参考文献体系哈佛格式(Harvard Reference System)、APA Style、MLA Style和Chicago Style等。IAMSET艾慕赛特上一次为大家详细介绍了哈佛引用格式的内容,这次来为大家详细解读下APA Style。什么是APA style?APA格式指的是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association,简称APA)出版的《美国心理协会出版...
This guide contains examples of common APA Style references. Journal Article (Section 10.1) Lachner, A., Backfisch, I., Hoogerheide, V., van Gog, T., & Renkl, A. (2020). Timing matters! Explaini…
什么是APA style? APA格式指的是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association,简称APA)出版的《美国心理协会出版手册》(Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association)。它起源于1929年,到目前为止已经更新至第七版,总页数也已经超过400页,里面详细规范了文章的页面格式(行间距、字体、字号、页边距等等...
Appleby, D. C. (2010). Why and how to write APA- style citations in the body and reference section of your papers. Society for the Teaching of Psychology's Office of Teaching Resources. Retrieved from http://www.teachpsych.org/resources/Documents /otrp/resources/appleby10.pdf...
In APA style, a citation usually includes the author’s name and year only. However, if a direct quote is used, page numbers are also required. A reference is a bibliographic entry that corresponds to a particular source. In other words, it is the information about a source that you put...
You should refer to either the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) or the more compact version, Concise guide to APA style: The official APA style guide for students (7th ed.). The Library has copies of both books which (when they are not on loan) can ...
过去我们曾介绍在同一种 EndNote Style 中,运用“Unused Reference Types”功能,制作中英文引用格式合并的 style,详见这篇文章。由于步骤繁复,在此提供编修完成的“Reference Types”配置文件与 style 样式档,提供有需要的读者直接下载套用。使用说明如下: 【一、下载图书馆编制的 Reference Types 配置文件】 ...
APA reference的写法(第六版)Dalhousie University Libraries August 2009 Page 1 APA Style (6th ) Quick Guide Dalhousie University Libraries library research guides Citations indicate the exact location for sources of information used in the text of the paper; the references (or list of w...
The references section should be accurate, complete, and consistent with the citations in the paper. Conclusion In conclusion, following the APA style guidelines is essential for academic writing. It ensures consistency, clarity, and credibility in the presentation of research. The APA format ...
APA (American Psychological Association) Citation Style Reference Citations in Text: Document throughout your text by citing the author (last name) and date of publication for the works used in your research. Do not use suffixes such as Jr. in the authors’ names. Walker (2000) ...