Past tense or present perfect tense for the explantation of the procedure Past tense for the explanation of the results Present tense for the explanation of the conclusion and future implications If this is all a bit much, and you’re simply looking for help with your references, try theEasyB...
Note: APA style requires authors to use the past tense or present perfect tense when using signal phrases to describe earlier research, for example, Jones (1998) found or Jones (1998) has found... APA Citation Basics When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation...
Note:APAstylerequiresauthorstousethepasttenseorpresentperfecttensewhenusingsignalphrasestodescribeearlierresearch.E.g.,Jones(1998)foundorJones(1998)hasfound... APACitationBasics WhenusingAPAformat,followtheauthor-datemethodofin-textcitation.Thismeansthattheauthor'slastnameandtheyearofpublicationforthesourceshou...
Verb tense used in referring to other works APA style requires authors to use past tense or present perfect tense (NOT present tense) when using signal phrases to refer to or discuss previous research (have a look at this article for more details on thecorrect tenses for different parts of ...
APA文献引用格式 APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)isthemostcommonlyusedformatforcitingsourcesintheSocialSciences.Youressayshould:betyped,double-spaced,withtwospacesafter punctuationbetweensentencesonstandard-sizedpaper(8.5‖x11‖)with1‖marginsonallsidesin10-12pt.TimesNewRomanorasimilarfont...
(APA, 2001, p. 285). 3. Past tense (e.g., “Smith (1996) showed”) or present perfect tense (e.g., “researchers have shown” is appropriate for literature review (APA, 2001, pp. 42-43). 4. After a period at the end of a sentence, you will only space once, instead of ...
Note:APAstylerequiresauthorstousethepasttenseorpresentperfecttensewhenusingsignalphrasestodescribeearlierresearch.E.g.,Jones(1998)foundorJones(1998)hasfound... APACitationBasics WhenusingAPAformat,followtheauthor-datemethodofin-textcitation.Thismeansthattheauthor'slastnameandtheyearofpublicationforthesourceshou...
(p. 3).X. (2008) argued that “” (p. 3).Use the past tense or the present p 26、erfect tense of verbs in signal phrases 信号词用过去时或现在完成时Use such signal verbs as:信号词,如下: acknowledged, contended, maintained, responded, reported, argued, concluded, etc.第21页/共37页...