eaboutlanguage and his/her beliefs about the learning process because hisknowledge can form the basis for selectingandactivating onestrategyover another[italics added] (p. 19). c.如果担心读者对引文中的代词指代不清楚,可以用方括弧加以说明: 例:Inthe preface, the author claims “This[“TheThreeLangu...
One of the most important reasons for using APA style referencing is that it ensures that academic literature and research reporting is standardised and supports a commitment to the scientific ideal (Safer & Tang, 2009; Madigan, Johnson & Linton, 1995). In this sense, using APA style referencin...
date and page number must be cited and the quote within speech marks and in Italics (Cook & M...
The word “Abstract” is centered on the new page and written in bold. Do not use quotation marks, italics, or any other formatting. The text on the abstract page is NOT indented. The abstract in APA should contain only the most relevant information, such as research topic/thesis statement...
Include all the relevant information, put the article or page title in quotations, and don’t worry about italics or the date you visited (unless the website does not have a publication date; in that case, include the date you accessed the site where you would normally put the publication...
s knowledge aboutlanguage and his/her beli efs about the learning process because his knowledge can form the basis for selecting and activatin 24、gone strategy over another italics added (p. 19).c.如果担忧读者对引文中的代词指代不清楚,可以用方括弧加以说明:例:In the preface, the author ...
However, if the work is not dated and/or is subject to change, as in the case of an online encyclopedi 20、a article, include the date that you retrieved the information.1 The APAhas special formatting standards for the use of indentation and italics in manuscripts or papers that will ...
However, if the work is not dated and/or is subject to change, as in the case of an online encyclopedia article, include the date that you retrieved the information. *The APA has special formatting standards for the use of indentation and italics in manuscripts or papers that will be type...
Italics: APA uses italics for titles of books, reports, webpages, periodicals, and other stand-alone works. Numbers: APA generally uses numerals to express numbers more than 10. Numbers less than 10 should be written in words (e.g. nine, one, etc.). When making a number a plural (e...
2)学术型论文文献中的中文部分,在每一个作者姓名后加括号,并在括号内写出对应姓名的汉语拼音。3)翻硕型论文文献中的中文部分不需要写出作者姓名的汉语拼音,4)所有参考文献必须写出页码。文内夹注格式:1)英文文献文内标注 直接引用格式:According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using ...