APA一般指引用格式。APA有出版详细的写作要求,需要付费购买。如果你在国外,可以去学校找writing center的...
Direct quotes, unlike paraphrases or summaries, also require page numbers, which are preceded by “p.” for a single page and “pp.” for a page range. See examples below.Citing a Work with One Author (Paraphrasing or Summarizing)If the author’s name is NOT included in the sentence, ...
The titles of books and periodicals have to be italicized, whereas titles of book chapters and articles must be placed inside quotation marks. APA style calls for capitalizing important words in titles when they are written in the text (but not when they are written in reference lists)....
UnknownAuthor:Iftheworkdoesnothaveanauthor,citethesourcebyitstitleinthesignalphraseorusethefirstwordortwointheparentheses.Titlesofbooksandreportsareitalicizedorunderlined;titlesofarticlesandchaptersareinquotationmarks. Asimilarstudywasdoneofstudentslearningtoformatresearchpapers("UsingAPA,"2001). Note:Intherarecase...
2016外院APA格式要求 预答辩已顺利完成,针对预答辩中反映出的突出问题,学科特在论文摘要和参考文献部分做如下规定,供2016届研究生修改论文之用:《摘要》部分的内容应包括以下四方面:1、基于。。。理论,研究。。。问题 2、采用。。。的研究方法 3、得出。。。的结论 4、研究的意义 参考文献部分 1)学术...
第1级:置中⼤⼩写标题(Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading)?第2级:置中、斜体、⼤⼩写标题(Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading)第3级:靠左对齐、斜体、⼤⼩写标题(Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading)第4级:缩排、斜体、⼩写标题,最后...
Italicized title (full stop, if the title doesn't end with a different punctuation mark) City and the state or country of publication (separated by a comma and with a colon at the end) Publisher For online book citation, the pattern changes a little: ...
The full title of the book, including any subtitles, should be stated and italicized. You do not need to include the publisher location. Citing an e-book in APA APA style treats printed books and e-books the same if all the publication details are the same, and the e-book has the sam...
(Harris et al., 2001) Unknown Author: If the work does not have an author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses. Titles of books and reports are italicized or underlined; titles of articles, chapters, and web pages are in...
italicize title of books or journals (the article title in the journal is not italicized), journal number is also italicized first title in a reference does not have capital letters except the first word and after a colon books must have city and publisher give page numbers for journals, not...