Title of article. Name of Publication, volume(issue), page number(s). - 书中的章节:Author of Chapter. (Copyright date). Title of chapter. In Editor (Ed.), Title of book (Edition, pp. pages of the chapter). Publisher. 💡 小贴士: - 作者名字通常写为Last Name+First Name的首字母+...
Title of webpage. Website Name. URL 期刊:Author. (Year of publication). Title of article. Name of Publication, volume(issue), page number(s) 书中的章节:Author of Chapter. (Copyright date). Title of chapter. In Editor (Ed.), Title of book (Edition, pp. pages of the chapter). Publ...
一、文内文献引用(ReferenceCitations in Text)1.单一作者 格式应为“(作者姓氏(非首字母),发表年份)”。若作者姓名在文章中已被提及,只需标出年份就好(若需要可加上页数),仍需使用括号。多位作者以上同理。例如:A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, ...
其规范格式主要包括文内文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文末参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。APA格式强调出版物的年代(Time of the Publication Year)而不大注重原文作者的姓名。引文时常将出版年代置于作者缩写的名( the Initial of Author’s First Name)之前。 文内文献引用(Reference Citations i...
In-text citation 文中引用需要写明作者姓氏和文章发表年份,我们这里只讨论最常见的“indirect citation”,即作者的观点需要经过你的改写再出现在你的文章当中。 基本格式有两种: 1. 作者的姓氏出现在行文中,例如: Research by Sharma and Tan (1994) suggests... ...
Include:lastname,intials.(yearofpublition).Ps:Ifthearticleisfromamagazineornewspaper,theyearofpublitionshouldbethis。Author,A.A.(year,monthday).AcommaNopunctuationBetweenbetweenmonthYearandanddaymonth Articleinformation •Include:Titleofthearticle.•Thesametothebooks.•文章题目大小写与书的题目...
In-Text Citations APA citations should include the author’s name and the year of publication (a page number is optional). Citations go befo..
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the key components and requirements of the APA referencing style. Basic Format for In-Text Citations. APA in-text citations typically consist of the author's last name, the year of publication, and, in some cases, a page number or paragraph ...
在文中引用 (Lastname, 年份) 例子: Fixed effects regression methods have become an increasingly popular tool for longitudinal data analysis (Hedges, 2009). 二、期刊 面引用 Lastname, Initials (年份). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(issue), pages. 例子: Kendall-Tackett, K., & Meyer,...
In-text citation 文中引用需要写明作者姓氏和文章发表年份,我们这里只讨论最常见的“indirect citation”,即作者的观点需要经过你的改写再出现在你的文章当中。 基本格式有两种: 1. 作者的姓氏出现在行文中,例如: Research by Sharma and Tan (1994) suggests... ...