The results from these calculations were compared to those obtained using WCOBRA-TRAC, developed by Westinghouse Electric Company, which are reported in the AP1000 European Design Control Document.MELCOR was selected for the design assessment activities specifically because of its capabilities to model ...
7. Instrumentation and Controls AP1000 Design Control Document Tier 2 Material 7.1-1 Revision 14 CHAPTER 7 INSTRUMENTATI..
The European uility requirements (EUR) document states that the next generation European passive plant (EPP) reactor core design shall be optimized for UO 2 fuel assemblies, with provisions made to allow for up to 50% mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies. The use of MOX in the core design wi...
The European uility requirements (EUR) document states that the next generation European passive plant (EPP) reactor core design shall be optimized for UO2 fuel assemblies, with provisions made to allow for up to 50% mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies. The use of MOX in the core design will...
美国钢铁协会 ALARA As-Low-As Reasonably Achievable 合理可行尽量低 ALHR Average Linear Heat Rate 平均线性发热率 ALWR Advanced Light Water Reactor 先进轻水反应堆 AM Accident Management 事故管理 AMCA Air Movement and Control Association 美国通风和空调协会 AMSAC ATWS mitigation systems actuation circuitry...
The AP 1000 received Final Design Approval from the U.S.NRC in September 2004,and Design Certification in December 2005.The AP1000 is the first and only Generation III+reactor to receive such certification from the NRC.Additionally the European Utility Requirements (EUR)organization certified that ...
controlmockupsimulatorThe design of the Main Control Room (MCR) for the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant is a significant departure from the designs of control rooms in the current generation of operating nuclear plants. Whereas the current control rooms rely, to a relatively large extent,...
Human factors engineering disciplines are applied to the design of the AP1000. In addition to the elements of the program review model, the minimum inventory of controls, displays, and alarms present in the main control room and at the remote shutdown workstation. These c...
The first AP1000 nuclear power plant is constructed in SanMen county in Zhejiang Province in China, which has creative and distinctive design characteristics. Human factors engineering disciplines...doi:10.1007/978-981-10-7416-5_17Yan Feng
B. (2012) Preparations for Integrated System Validation of the AP1000 Main Control Room and human system interface design. In 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human- Machine Interface Technologies 2012 (NPIC and HMIT 2012); 22-26 July 2012, San ...