7. Instrumentation and Controls AP1000 Design Control Document Tier 2 Material 7.1-2 Revision 14 Safety System – The aggregate of electrical and mechanical equipment necessary to mitigate the consequences of design basis events. Protection and Safety Monitoring System – The aggregate of electrical and...
5. Site Parameters AP1000 Design Control Document Tier 1 Material 5.0-1 Revision 16 5.0 Site Parameters Table 5.0-1 identifies the key site parameters that are specified for the design of safety-related aspects of structures, systems, and components for the AP1000. An actual site is acceptable...
6.Engineered Safety Features AP1000 Design Control Document consideration and where the use of nickel-chromium-iron alloy is the choice because of the coefficient of thermal expansion. The material for the air storage tanks in the main control room emergency habitability system is tested for Charpy ...
45、范书17QUALITYASSURANCE质保18MANMACHINENTERFACE人机接口HUMAFFACTORENGINEERING人因工程19RISK REDUCTION 降低风险PROBABILISTICRISK ASSESSMENT 概率风险评价说明:1、AP1000设计控制文件(DesignControl Document)和EPR基础设计报告(Basic Design Report)均基本上按安全分析报告的内容和格式(RG1.70 共分19章编写。2、AP1000...
设计控制文件(The Design Control document),英文简称“DCD”,是美国核电供应商按照美国核安全监管部门(美国核管会,英文简称“NRC”)要求,编制提交的申请核电厂设计许可证的文件。 美国联邦法规10CFR52和NRC文件规定,DCD得到设计许可(DC)后也可以修改升版,修改的内容包括:核电设计的优化和标准化,以及按照政府新法规的...
美国西屋公司AP1000-41 6. Engineered Safety Features AP1000 Design Control Document 6.1 Engineered Safety Features Materials This section provides a description of the materials used in the fabrication of engineered safety features components and of the provisions to avoid material interactions that could...
3. Non-System Based Design Descriptions ITAAC AP1000 Design Control Document 3.7 Design Reliability Assurance Program The Design Reliability Assurance Program (D-RAP) is a program
针对AP1000核电站,基于两流体最佳估算系统程序RELAP5建立热工水力模型,基于Matlab/Simulink软件及工业组态软件建立相关控制系统数学模型,用于对正常给水丧失事故的计算分析.建模数据主要参考AP1000 Design Control Document(AP1000 DCD),由于建模数据不够充分,详尽,模型不够精确,文中事故分析以定性分析为主.计算结果表明:...
具体到专业技术层面,所谓“设计控制文件”(The Design Control Document,简称DCD),是美国核电供应商按照美国核安全监管部门(美国核管会,简称NRC)要求,编制提交的申请核电厂设计许可证的文件。 2005年12月,NRC在对AP1000原创方——西屋公司提交的AP1000设计控制文件进行了历时5年的独立审查、安全分析和试验验证后,对AP...