比如2024年Set 1版本试卷DBQ考了女权运动是由实现经济平等的诉求触发的还是实现政治平的的诉求触发的。这和往年考试的出题思路基本一致。 LEQ比较注重考查历史现象之间的关联,比如某一重大历史事件造成的影响或者给社会带来的变化,因此要注意仔细记忆各个历史事件造成的影响。 #2、AP 世界史 AP World History 重点信息:...
临近考试,学生可以开始专攻写作了(尤其是DBQ)。建议一周完成1至2篇,考前保持手感。确保在考试前至少完成6篇写作。 备考书籍推荐 1)The Earth and Its Peoples:A Global History, by Richard W. Bulliet,这本书是大部分北美高中历史老师会选择的教辅,内容比较翔实,阅读性很强。 2)Princeton AP World History,这...
AMSCO AP World History:Modern 优点是考点覆盖比较全面。缺点是知识点的细节不太够。 Traditions & Encounters:A Global Perspective on the Past 优点是知识点叙述详细,知识点之间的联系特别清晰。缺点是知识点太多容易挤压复习时间。 Review AP World History: ModernPremiumPrep 这本书适合进行选择题的练习,缺点是写...
AP World History: Modern Exam Add to Calendar Exam Format The AP World History: Modern Exam has consistent question types, weighting, and scoring guidelines, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day. Section I, Part A: Multiple Choice ...
敲黑板,重点来了!其实本次AP历史考纲改革中,唯一变动的就是DBQ部分的打分标准,变动分别出现在Evidence From The Document和Analysis And Reasoning这两个部分。 1,Evidence From The Document 评分变动 图源:College Board 改革前,考生必须正确使用考题给出的7个Document中的3个才能获得Evidence From The Document 中的...
U.S. History(美国历史) 难度指数 4.5 星 推荐指数:★★☆☆☆ 美国历史知识,是准留美学生的必备。美国历史是公认比较难的。首先在一小时内选择回答80题,难度可想而知。此外,还有一篇DBQ和两篇FRQ。DBQ 即基于试卷上提供的资料信息来答题,堪称整个考试里最难的部分,主要是考察分析能力、记忆力和语言和资料运用...
One of the Advanced Placement (AP) exams covers US history. Learn about the new AP US history exam, and explore how to master the exam's document-based essay question (DBQ). Review the steps for planning the DBQ, and gain tips for writing an effective essay. ...
AP WORLD HISTORY DBQ WORKSHEET PROMPT Historical Thinking Skill (Compare, Change, Causation) Categories (Compare what? What kind of change? etc.) Time Period (remember: 18th century = 1700s, and so on) DOCUMENT WORK (preliminary) Document 1 Main Idea Outside Evidence HAPP (HIPP) Document 2...
AP World History: Modern 1. Heimler’s History / Crash Course: World History 网址: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_bOoi0e3L3SJ1xx5TZWHPwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yocja_N5s1I&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80...
How Did Rome Lessen The Use Of Technology Dbq Tu Shih was a generous and peaceful governor. He loved the common people and wished to save them from having to do so much work, so he invented a water-powered blowing-engine to make the casting of iron farming equipment easier. Fuxi, a my...