Help page for writing a Free Response Question essay (FRQ) and a Document Based Question essay (DBQ). I have found another informative page of how-to-tips here. It will open as a google doc. Please read this as well! The thesis examples are very helpful examples. Example of an 8 essa...
Thesis: 类别和逻辑关系 Point 1: Documents with analysis, (if possible) contextualization and synthes...
So clearly, it can be tough to do well on the DBQ. However, I guarantee you canscore well on the DBQand other essay questionsif youconsistently practice writing outlinesthat follow the instructions and stay focused on the main topic. Try to become a pro at planning out your ideas by the...
For the DBQ,you'll need to bring most of the provided documents into your argumentin addition to your background knowledge of the period being tested. For example, in a DBQ about the effects of Spanish Influenza during World War I, you'd need to demonstrate your knowledge of WWI as well...
注意DBQ里不会出现一幅随便的图的,出现形势图一般会标注时间,但是没有标注时间也肯定暗示这是一个重要的时间点! 一看图例就知道讲的是奴隶制的问题,这里加州是自由制度,说明是在MEXICAN WAR胜利之后(1849年),而犹他和新墨西哥州是由居民决定是否实施奴隶制,说明是在内战之前,进一步看KANSAS还没有出现,这个地区上是...
我欧洲史的DBQ和LEQ从来没练过,但是我按照美史DBQ和LEQ的写法,依然最后在欧史中拿到了五分。所以,还是自古套路的人心啊!!!掌握了技巧,ap大题分分钟拿下。 这个是CB官方给出的DBQ,LEQ评分标准,非常重要,一定看好。里面还有AP考查的historical thinking skills: 最后向所有考AP ...
For example: There are identify verification protocols. Questions are designed so there are no Googleable trivia answers. All essays will be subject to plagiarism detection software. If a student is caught cheating, The College Board will cancel their AP scores and alert any colleges that those ...
DBQ 简单地来说,写DBQ是可以用套路的。 第一步 阅读、分析题目中提供的document,并用一句话或一个词总结每个document的中心思想,记录在每个document边上。 第二步 将这些documents根据中心思想进行归类,找到其中的逻辑关系,这些将会是thesis的主要内容。 同时,使用联想法,就每个document来思考有哪些outside evidence可以...
The failure to find as many as three groups was much less common because this DBQ provided a plethora of grou possibilities. Most students managed to delineate three groups; many found four or more. At times, they organized the s into two groups with a legitimate subgroup within one of the...
不知道怎么写DBQ啊Long Essay的同学完全可以靠CB爸爸自学成才!! 除此之外,CB放出了美国历史的考试范围加上每个历史时期的主题总结报告Curriculum Framework(见下图)。对于不知道如何定Essay主题的同学来说,仔细浏览一遍写文章Thesis从此没烦恼! 以下附网址: 3. ...