本次公开课中,老师会选择极具代表性的LEQ&DBQ真题来进行详细分析,剖析具体改革之后essay的得分点,帮助同学们掌握这一类题的写作思路——击破“无思路,不会写”的难点。 DBQ评分标准部分说明 LEQ评分标准部分说明 Student Sample精析,助你炼...
Free Essay: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This statement was made by a philosopher named Voltaire...
Where to Find the Best DBQ Examples Posted by Ellen McCammon Advanced Placement (AP) One of the best ways to prepare for the DBQ (the "document-based question" on the AP European History, AP US History, and AP World History exams) is to look over sample questions and example essays....
Long essay question的满分是6分,具体要求与DBQ相似,除了不需要分析材料;但是也正因为无材料可分析,...
而除以上两处改动之外,AP美国史的选择题和材料分析题(DBQ)部分的出题和要求则都是一样的。 在2021年的AP美国史考试中,无论线上还是线下,选择题(Multiple Choice)的题量、考试时长、分数占比都是一样的——都是55题、55分钟、占总考试分数的40%。 对于文科类的AP考试,需要学生具有一定的西方文化背景知识和英...
AP English:Our AP English resources include a variety of multiple choice practice tests and a large assortment of sample essay questions. We also have links to essay strategy guides, vocabulary lists, class notes, and flashcards. AP Government:Check out our government pages to find free practice...
Section 2, Part A: Document-Based Question (DBQ) Section 2, Part B: Long Essay It should be noted that the AP World History exam hasundergone some big changes for the 2019-20 school year. Instead of covering thousands of years of human history and development,now it will coveronlythe ye...
Part A:DBQ 1道,占比25%,时长1小时; 解读历史文献时,引入相关的历史知识。 Part B:essay 1道,占比15%,时长40分钟。 展示历史思维能力,包括编年体思维、因果逻辑思维、类比反比思维等。 2022年AP欧洲史五分率13.3% 图源:CB官网 03 世界史 AP世界历史是一门大学水平的现代世界历史入门课程。学生通过分析历史...
Thedocument-based question (DBQ)assesses your ability to develop an argument based on your assessment of historical evidence. The documents on which this essay is based can vary in length and format, including written, quantitative, or visual materials. You are expected to make sophisticated connect...