AP test scores are not generally a highly weighted component of your college application, but if you choose to submit them, they will generally be reviewed by the admissions committee. The amount of weight they are given will vary by school, and in general the more competitive the admissions ...
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这项服务不收费,但考试费不会被退还,已归档的分数不能被取消(归档的分数Archived scores指的是在最后一次AP考试的四年后,你的AP考试成绩将被存档,在线分数报告系统中不再可以查看)。 分数可以在任何时候取消,但要想分数不被发送到通过 "我的AP "在线指定的学院、大学或奖学金...
http://lp.collegeboard.org/share-ap 8. New AP Student Website: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home 9. Pre-AP: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/preap/220773.html 10. AP Online Score for Students: https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores 11. AP in China website: http...
今年出分CollegeBoard标注:从美东时间7月5日开始,陆续发放成绩;并没有明确表示什么时候能出完所有科目的成绩。 AP成绩的具体查询方式: 1,登陆College Board官网: https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores#/ 2,点击“View your scores”,输入CB账号和密码即可查询(查询系统不支持IE浏览器)。如果忘记了账号或密码也...
A college’s AP credit policy will lay out the minimum score to earn credit for a given exam, the amount of credit awarded, and how credits are applied. At some colleges, AP scores transfer directly to credit hours. At others, your exam scores allow you to “place out” of certain cou...
As far as I'm concerned, you need to get at least four or five AP scores of 3s or above, whether you're hitting a top-ranked school in the UK or the US. This gives you more options. In addition, in the a...
Sign in for personalized recommendations and access to your PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and AP scores and more. Sign In Create Account Why Take the SAT? Learn About the AP Program Register for BF Live Event Find the right college for you Search by college name ...
Make sure you know how to get your scores this year! Collegeboard no longer mails your test grades to you physically. They have, instead, opted to distribute scores through their website online for faster access to your results, and also to save wasted paper and money lost by snail mail....
进入网址后选择"View your scores"后,点击"Sign In",输入考生的CB账号和密码即可查询。 AP成绩复议 注意:AP考试只能复议选择题MCQ部分,FRQ部分不能进行复议。 1.下载填写AP Multiple-Choice Rescore表格,并签名。 2.准备好付款方式(每门AP考试30美元)付款包括邮寄支票或汇票、邮寄/传真信用卡信息。