•大学成绩单(如有)。 •英语成绩证明 (TOEFL or SAT or IELTS or PTE Academic or ACT with Writing score sheet)(如有)。 选择“艺术、设计与媒体”(Art, Design & Media)专业的学生须提交额外材料。有关该专业的入学材料要求,请通过以下“艺术、设计与媒体学院”网站链接了解详情。 https://www.ntu....
(Well you're normally supposed to send in AP scores after you're admitted, but the Common App allows an unofficial optional score report for admission.) 如果你需要寄送成绩给大学,下面是详细的寄送成绩流程: 1. AP报名时会有一所免费的递送名额,但是因为一旦填写,出分后成绩就会自动送到学校,所以...
John Hopkins University可以用AP4-5分换3-8学分,但是能换的不多,只有生物、微积分、化学、计算机科学、环境科学、宏观微观经济、物理、统计可以换一换,不过好像都是中国人喜爱而又擅长的科目哟。
Credit Transfer: Student achieve AP exam score in grade 4 or better will eligible transfer 1-degree credit to University* *Universities credit transfer policy may differ. For more details, please visit the university website. Some universities credit transfer policy: 1.University of Toronto: (The ...
The GPA weight given to Regular, AP, Honor, and Advanced courses varies from school to school. Generally speaking, the more difficult the course, the more weight the GPA should carry. If all courses have the same GPA weig...
l The successful completion of one year of study at a recognised US university, Community or Junior College, with an overall CGPA of 3.3/4.0 (equivalent to a 2.1), when combined with a US High School Graduation Diploma with 3.3/4.0 plus a SAT I with a minimum score of 1950/2400 (old...
Over the years, students have consistently performed exceptionally well on the AP exams, and this year is no exception. Concordia is excited to report that students have achieved an impressive 96% pass rate, surpassing last year’s 92%. Additi...
). These scores mean you have proven yourself capable of doing the work in an introductory-level college course. Of course, colleges often have different score minimums for different subjects. TheUniversity of San Diegoaccepts a 3 in AP Bio but only a 5 in AP U.S. History, for example....
Scorescan be canceled at any time, but for scores not to be sent to the collegeindicated> 这个取消AP成绩政策,有三点需要注意: 取消成绩没有任何费用,考试报名费用也不会退回。 取消成绩意味着College Board不会留有纪录,学校也不会看到。 若是选择AP免费送分(建议在考卷上不选),则会产生6月15日这个期...
对于 exploring data 的部分,知识点主要涉及 residual(残差)——可以计算残差,也可以给你 一个图让你找残差最大的点(这都是考试反复考的内容)、用 least squares regression line(求残差、进行预测、相关系数),以及 z-score,outlier,boxplot (这个知识点的考法非常多,但是内容就那几点。)等等。sampling ...