Use this lesson to prepare for the essay portion of the AP World History exam. Practice using our sample prompts and compare your responses to the scoring rubric. AP World History Essay Section The AP World History exam has a two-part writing section, totaling in a 100-minute section of ...
理由:真题一般上课的时候老师会提供,主要用来练练手,并且看一下rubric,写作的时候方便找一下点。如果有sample mcq的话也可以看看,一般能扒到的mcq都是北美卷,比大陆考试的题要难,如果错的有点多也不用太沮丧。去年考试的阅读比sat的阅读都简单(个人感受)。 补充:(此条属于个人推断)练笔速很重要!写作部分狂写...
AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION – GRADING RUBRIC – SYNTHESIS ESSAYEssays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of 4 but demonstrate less understanding of the cited sources, less success in developing their own position, or less control of writing....