在DBQ和Long Essay中,这样的技能尤其重要,因为题目考查的往往是某一时期的某一具体主题,答题时最好联系到这个主题在之前和之后的历史时期中都有哪些体现,并分析其起因与发展。 下面罗列一些美国历史的重要专题: African Americans, women’s rights, immigration and migration, labor unions, economic policies, Republ...
综合来看,AAQ文章是对于文本材料和实验设计的分析,还是与目前的frq 2相似。而第二篇EBQ则更像大学中的综合essay。考察学生的独立思考,批判性思维,academic skills和学术写作能力,难度明显增加。除此之外,College Board也明确针对简答题增加了新的评分标准:Argumentation。 官方对于Argumentation的定义为:Develop and justify...
for STL essay prior to defining, reading, recognizing, and analyzing kinds of poetry: How does form relate to content? How do you create a thesis about a poem? What are some common poetic devices, and how are they used to present and iFinal Draft...
Pre-AP是一门侧重于阅读的英语学科。老师会带领同学阅读各种各样的英文名著,学习各种文学赏析手法(跟语文赏析手法类似),也会教如何写出赏析手法的essay。 考试粗略安排+考试形式 Form:Pre-AP的form比较多,大多是以随堂小测的形式。但需要注意的是,Pre-AP的所有form都会按比例算进GPA里(虽然占比较小)。
The AP Literature Free Response sectionis two hours long and involves three free-response essay questions, so you'll have about 40 minutes per essay. That's not a lot of time considering this section of the test counts for55% of your overall exam grade!
Essay-based exams include: AP Latin, AP United States Government and Politics, AP Human Geography, AP English Literature and Composition, AP European History, AP Spanish Literature and Culture, AP Biology*, AP Art History, AP U.S. History, AP Computer Science A, AP Environmental Science, AP...
The AP Language and Composition exam has two sections: a multiple-choice section with 45 questions, and a free-response section with three essay questions—one synthesis prompt, one analysis prompt, and one argument prompt. But not all AP Lang practice tests are like the real exam, and they...
European History或者USH这样难度较大的科目。个人认为,这四门课中lang和USH可以归为一类,literature和Eur...