本人就读美国一个普通的私立高中吧 文学系历史系的师资力量不算强 ap euro上课的氛围也就是一起student...
McGraw Hill都是平铺直叙地讲事件,且加粗部分过少以至于给人一种找不到重点的感觉,除非时间充裕不建议依赖这本书。尽管Crash Course是一本APUSH教辅,但它在总结事件方面做得很好,最后还专门有几章把各个period用theme联系起来(如女权运动、废奴运动与黑人平权运动、涉及印第安人的重要事件、工会运动等),是非常好的复习...
APUSH Period 1 16個詞語 unit 8 timeline 5個詞語 Religion Final 88個詞語 HIS400 Quiz 5 24個詞語 Beowulf 12個詞語 Date Quiz - Unit 0 老師20個詞語 midterm study guide 34個詞語 Test 16個詞語 Anglo-Saxon Vocab 27個詞語 World History 2 SOL Review ...
The European great depression | 2 of 3 Which of the following conclusions about Europe in the interwar period is best supported by the passage above? An economic crisis, caused by weaknesses in international trade and monetary theories and practices, undermined western European democracies Income per...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《CRACK AP EURO HIST 2015 美国大学预修课程系列丛书之《欧洲历史学》 2015年新版》,作者:Princeton Review 著,出版社:Random House US。最新《CRACK AP EURO HIST 2015 美国大学预修课程系列丛书之《欧洲历史学》 2015年新版》简介、书
If the College Board wanted to eliminate cheating by using a wide variety of texts, they could have at least selected texts from the same time period to level the playing field a bit. Dulcie Head says: May 21, 2020 at 10:28 am Hi SC, First, I’m sorry to hear that this was ...
Author ZweiEuro commented Aug 1, 2020 Upgraded to v4.1 and the error still persists. I (7081) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1 I (7091) wifi station: WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED I (7091) wifi station: anything I (17131) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:
Lumen-apposing metal stents in interventional endoscopy: a state-of-the-art review with focus on technical and clinical successes and complicationsdoi:10.1097/MEG.0000000000001571Keywords complicationsclinicallumens apposing metal stentssafetysuccess
对于国高的学生,也更推荐princeton,真的是很有帮助,基本上全本书认真仔细读下来,不看别的,去考euro也能保3冲4了,剩下的靠考场发挥。 我大致的推算了一下距离考试的时间,差不多还有30天左右,princeton review是200多页,一天差不多看7-8页这样子。加上并不是每页都满满的知识点,中间也有过渡段,例题页和空白...