当当网图书频道在线销售正版《CRACK AP EURO HIST 2015 美国大学预修课程系列丛书之《欧洲历史学》 2015年新版》,作者:Princeton Review 著,出版社:Random House US。最新《CRACK AP EURO HIST 2015 美国大学预修课程系列丛书之《欧洲历史学》 2015年新版》简介、书
Lumen-apposing metal stents in interventional endoscopy: a state-of-the-art review with focus on technical and clinical successes and complicationsdoi:10.1097/MEG.0000000000001571Keywords complicationsclinicallumens apposing metal stentssafetysuccess
常用教辅书系列:巴朗(Barrons)、普林斯顿(Princeton Review)、5 Steps to a 5、新东方、王府学校(很薄、很简洁但知识点遗漏很多,不推荐,但适合考前突击学习)。其他常用资源:Quizlet上整理的key terms和重点概念、Crash Course视频(及其他各科的教学或复习视频,可上youtube自行搜索)、网上各类总结提纲(注意甄别优劣)。
Post reporting period end, and in line with its capital allocation policy, the Company completed a £50m repurchase in aggregate principal amount of the Company's £387.4 million 1.625% guaranteed convertible bonds due in June 2026, which were surrendered for cancellation. Following this repurchas...