Past paper review 历年试卷回顾 课堂任务COURSE TASK(学生在课上需要完成) 3-4 papers (3-6 pages each) outside of class 3-4篇论文(每篇3-6页) 5-10 in-class essays (rhetorical or literary )5-10篇课堂论文(修辞或文学分析) Numerous informal pieces (“write to learn” assignments)大量的非正式...
AP英语文学与作文APEnglishLiteratureandComposition一对一辅导详解:这门课程旨在培养学生掌握提高文学素养所需的两个基本能力,能够大量阅读且读懂文学作品(包括诗歌、小说和戏剧)、作者的态度和语气 AP英语课程有两种,分别为AP英语文学与作文与AP英语语言与作文,这两门课程都可以帮助学子提升自己的英语能力,只是考察的方向...
学生要从6大部分 study in language and literature(语言和文学),language acquisition(语言学),indiv...
Mock exam模拟考试 Past paper review 历年试卷回顾 课堂任务COURSE TASK(学生在课上需要完成) 3-4 papers (3-6 pages each) outside of class 3-4篇论文(每篇3-6页) 5-10 in-class essays (rhetorical or literary )5-10篇课堂论文(修辞或文学分析) Numerous informal pieces (“write to learn” assign...
Geraldine Woods has taught and tutored every level of English from 5th grade through AP for the past three decades. She's the author of more than 40 books, including numerousbooks published by Wiley: English Grammar For Dummies, English Grammar Workbook For Dummies, Research Papers For Dummies...
Ap English Composition To start off, I would like to say that I am interesting in taking AP English Literature and Composition for a variety of reasons. I believe it would be a great class to get me ready for collage, which would be the main reason. I love to read and I want to be...
In those days both the AP English Language and AP English Literature Exams were given at the same time, so students had to make a choice. Our department encouraged, but did not require, highly qualified juniors to take the language exam and suggested that seniors either take the literature ...
Computer Science Revision Computer Science papersEnglish(AL/IB/AP)A-Level English Language papers A-Level English Literature papersChinese(AL/IB/AP)AS-Level Chinese AS Papers A-Level Chinese PapersIGCSEs/GCSEs 英国高中同步学习助手Combined Science...
学生要从6大部分 study in language and literature(语言和文学),language acquisition(语言学),...
所以AP English Language相当于帮助你提前先提高论文写作水平,赢在起跑线上。 而English Literature对于中国学生的难度来说还是相当高的,所以难度等级又多了一个星。因为即使是备考SAT和AP的中国学生,平时接触的最多的英文文本也是各种应用文和论文。而好的英文论文的标准是语言简单、直接、明了,讲究把复杂的想法用...