Working 1-on-1 means you can get answers to all of your questions, completely cover any points you find challenging, and move ahead past points you already know. Our tutors will work directly with you to build strategies to study effectively and take tests like a pro. The Perfect Tutor fo...
2023 AP Capstone Honor We're excited to announce that our school has received the prestigious 2023 AP Capstone Award in China from CollegeBoard.As one of only 12 schools in all of China to receive this award in the past 3 years, we take pride in our s...
Spanish Literature and Culture (8AM Local Time) Art History (12PM Local Time) Biology (12PM Local Time) European History (12PM Local Time) French Language and Culture (12PM Local Time) Physics 1: Algebra-Based (12PM Local Time)
English Literature European History Physics 1 Statistics U.S. Government U.S. History World History AP 5 Tutors Who Transform Your AP Experience Our AP 5 tutors prioritize your success, every step of the way. Subject-Matter Experts Tutors bring deep mastery of their AP subjects to every lesson...
Working 1-on-1 means you can get answers to all of your questions, completely cover any points you find challenging, and move ahead past points you already know. Our tutors will work directly with you to build strategies to study effectively and take tests like a pro. The Perfect Tutor fo...
Although the exact conversion from composite score to the five-point scale will vary from year to year and exam to exam, you can get a general sense of how this process works by looking at this breakdown of a past AP English Literature exam. Your teachers in your AP classes likely also ...
What about English Language and Literature? While there are unit for both of these classes, they are more general, like “explain the function of plot” and tend to all be covered throughout the course. What is covered in the full practice tests?
Take 10 minutes to write up a quick schedule for the coming month. It doesn’t have to be perfectly color-coordinated and covered with stickers to be effective either. Having a simple schedule where you practice AP English Literature free-response questions (FRQs) every Saturday at 10:00 ...
The AP US History exam will take you on a wild ride through the meandering underground streets of this country's past. If you're a thrill seeker, oh boy, look forward to this one! Language and Literature APs AP English Literature and Composition ...
In order to prepare myself for the AP Literature exam, on May 04, 2016, I must acknowledge each sections and essays that will be on it. I am aware of reading diverse poems, answer multiple choice questions, and write 3 essays. I feel apathy for the multiple choice questions because I'...