Collegeboard主要考虑了ChatGPT和其他类似的生成式人工智能(AI)工具对Create performance task的影响并对其进行更改。 从今年2024年考季开始,AP CSP考试分为两个部分。 第一部分:选择题 新增第二部分:书面回答 可以看到相较于之前的考试,2024年考试的... CSP作品提交 编程作品+针对作品的问答题占总分数比重的30%,尽管单一编程作品的考核比重下降至10%,同学们依然不能掉以轻心!今年提交作品的截止日期为...
超过750所学院和大学为AP CSP提供学分和学分。大学理事会正积极与各院校合作,制定并公布AP CSP的学分和就业政策。 2、AP Computer Science A计算机科学A 将测试对课程单元所涵盖的编程概念的理解,以及你读写计算机程序代码的能力。 考试时长:3小时 考试时间:5月6, 2021, 12 PM Local 考试分部: Section 1:Multi...
考试时间如下↓↓↓ 另外需要提醒参加AP Seminar、AP Research以及AP CSP的考生们,提交作品的截止日期为美东时间2024年4月30日23:59。 因为AP考试的备考周期比较长,建议大家最好在暑假提前预学新知识、打好基础,这样也能减轻新学期的学习压力。 AP课程与 AP 考试时间 AP课程 AP课程全称是"Advanced Placement",这...
AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) is an advanced placement course managed by the College Board in the United States. It's equal to an entry level college course for non-computer science majors. Depending on the college, high school students can receive college...
AP计算机科学包括两门科目:Computer Science A (CSA)和Computer Science Principle (CSP)。CSP 主要学习计算机基本原理,CSA 则主要学习 Java 语言编程。通常我们说到AP计算机科学,或者说大多数学生所选的课,更多的是指 CSA,所以本文以下内容皆以CSA为主。
1.End-of-Course Exam,即为在每年5月份举办的AP考试,与其他科目无异。考试时间为2小时。根据CB官方给出的AP CSP Course and Exam Description,考查内容主要可分为以下七大类: 01.Creativity创造力 02.Abstraction抽象 03.Data and Information数据与信息 ...
During that same period, results on the AP CS exams also saw better-than-expected success. Overall, 74.5 percent of students who took the AP CSP exam scored a passing score of 3 or higher. The number of female students earning 3 or higher on any CS exam...
AIMER: Artificial Intelligence Mark Evaluator & Recognizer---Performance task for the AP CSP exam pythoncomputer-scienceopencvapocrcomputer-visionimagesap-computer-sciencelearngraderap-cspoptical-mark-recognitionadvanced-placementapcompscianswer-sheetdigital-portfolioapcomputerscienceap-computer-science-principlespe...
During that same period, results on the AP CS exams also saw better-than-expected success. Overall, 74.5 percent of students who took the AP CSP exam scored a passing score of 3 or higher. The number of female students earning 3 or higher on any CS exam ...