💥如果出现问题,请拨打下方号码以更正My AP帐户上的姓名。 1️⃣注册完CB账号(如果有CB账号,直接登录)之后,点击“My AP”,选择“Join a Course or Exam”。 2️⃣在弹出的界面输入想在 Prometric考试中心参加的AP考试对应的Join C...
电话: + 1212-632-1780 1️⃣注册完CB账号(如果有CB账号,直接登录)之后,点击“My AP”,选择“Join a Course or Exam”。 2️⃣在弹出的界面输入想在 Prometric考试中心参加的AP考试对应的Join Code代码。 确认考试中心和科目没有问...
通过AP计算机A的学习会掌握以下技能 l Testing program code and correcting errors测试程序代码并纠正错误 l Documenting and explaining how program code works记录和解释程序代码的工作方式 l Designing a program, developing the algorithms it needs, and writing code to implement them设计程序,开发所需的算法,编...
AP CSP exam vocab 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 pair programming 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 method to help promote collaboration and create correct code. One person types in the program while the other reviews the program, states what to type in, and watches for errors 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 59...
9. 答题卡正面的最下面区域:灰色的"AP ID label"区域,请将AP ID label sheet 上的一个条码贴纸撕下来贴在该处,蓝色区域的"AP Exam label"将第一部分考试书封面上的贴纸撕下来贴在该处(AP Exam label from the top left of your exam booklet cover.)。 10. I处:AP Exam name, form and form code(...
Code Issues Pull requests AIMER: Artificial Intelligence Mark Evaluator & Recognizer---Performance task for the AP CSP exam python computer-science opencv ap ocr computer-vision images ap-computer-science learn grader ap-csp optical-mark-recognition advanced-placement apcompsci answer-sheet digital-por...
To better understand the course expectations, review the following pages in the AP CSP Course and Exam Description document:The computational thinking practices skills page The course at-a-glance pagesIf students choose to take it, the AP Exam consists of two types of assessmen...
三、AP CSP CPT 的网站 https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-computer-science-principles/exam#anchorSG 四、大作业评分标准 AP® Computer Science Principles — Create Performance Task Row 1 Developing a Program with a Purpose The video demonstrates the running of at least one feature of ...
(AP CSP) is an advanced placement course managed by the College Board in the United States. It's equal to an entry level college course for non-computer science majors. Depending on the college, high school students can receive college credit for the course if the...
If you decide to use the AP Computer Science Principles with Microsoft MakeCode curriculum or materials, please keep in touch. Join theMicrosoft MakeCode AP CSP Forumto connect with other Educators teaching the curriculum, ask questions, or give feedback on curriculum materials. Please also follow@...