灰色的“AP ID label”区域,请将AP ID label sheet上的一个条码贴纸撕下来贴在该处,蓝色区域的“AP Exam label”将第一部分考试书封面上的贴纸撕下来贴在该处(AP Exam label from the top left of your exam booklet cover) ★每个考生在参加所报第一门考试...
Six computational thinking practices and five big ideas are the foundation of the AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course. The course’s framework “focuses on the innovative aspects of computing and the computational thinking that helps students make connections in everyday...
(AP CSP) is an advanced placement course managed by the College Board in the United States. It's equal to an entry level college course for non-computer science majors. Depending on the college, high school students can receive college credit for the course if the...
1. 登录AP Digital Portfolio,网站指路:https://prod.idp.collegeboard.org/2. 进入考生所在AP Classroom;3. 导航至其中一个创建性能任务组件;4.分别提交Program Code,Video,Personalized Project Reference,上传-预览-最终提交。 提交流程如上 P.S.Per...
AP CSP exam vocab 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 pair programming 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 method to help promote collaboration and create correct code. One person types in the program while the other reviews the program, states what to type in, and watches for errors 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 59...
★(如果考生的AP ID Label Sheet不慎丢失,也可以在答题卡相应位置填写正确的AP ID号码,所以一定要记住自己的AP ID!) 个人物品部分: ▲考试用笔:已削好的2支带橡皮头的2号(HB)木杆铅笔以及黑色或蓝黑色墨水的签字笔。 ▲计算机: 如参加AP生物、微积分、化学、环境科学、物理、宏观经济学、微观经济学和统计学考...
testdaily td ap备考计划课程 微积分BC、统计学、CSA、CSP、微观经济,宏观经济、心理学、物理1、物理2、生物、化学、环境科学、物理C力学、物理C电磁,英语语言与写作,美国历史,世界历史,人文地理 可爱多月ue 10-16 0 求问:香港社会考生怎么获取AP Classroom资源 我群殴好 我是大陆ap生,以社会考生报名了香港...
2005November ceo 2011 1179 1652 1188 1780 mayhem apc vpnd 1423 Literature rome firewall1 1377 GPL 1599 annualreport emailnewsletters intellectualproperty last100 1357 contacto topicslashdot midi spamcop National 2006May csp 1085 nswpat80x15 genetics stars2 1144 934 csl sexy bypass...
学生应提前准备好AP统计学公式表。请提前打开或打印本份公式表:https://apcoronavirusupdates.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/formula-sheet-and-tables-2020.pdf 计算器:计算复杂程度将控制在笔算可以完成的范围内。考试内容将不需要calculators graphical or satistical capabilities,但建议使用简易计算器,电子/实体均可,如...