Seminar* (Students must be enrolled in authorized AP Seminar course to register) 专题研究 * Microeconomics 微观经济学 Art History* 艺术史 * Calculus AB 微积分AB Calculus BC 微积分BC Computer Science Principles (Students must be enrolled in authorized AP CSP course to register) 计算机原理 English ...
如果计划在明年参加以下AP科目考试的同学,要注意有特殊的规定。 AP计算机科学原理(AP CSP) AP艺术与设计:如AP 2D艺术、AP 3D艺术、AP绘图 AP Capstone文凭课程 AP中文和日文 AP 法语、德语、意大利语和西班牙语语言和文化以及西班牙文学和文化 更多具体要求可至官网查看:
另外,学习AP Seminar和AP Research的同学要注意:美东时间2023年5月1日23:59是提交performance tasks作为最终报告以及由老师评分的presentation的最后期限;学习AP CSP的同学也需要注意,美东时间2023年5月1日23:59是提交作为Create performance task作为最终报告的...
另外需要提醒参加AP Seminar、AP Research以及AP CSP的考生们,提交作品的截止日期为美东时间2024年4月30日23:59。 如想了解更多具体的考试信息可点击下方官方链接:
AP计算机科学原理(AP CSP) AP艺术与设计:如AP 2D艺术、AP 3D艺术、AP绘图 AP Capstone文凭课程 AP中文和日文 AP 法语、德语、意大利语和西班牙语语言和文化以及西班牙文学和文化 更多具体要求可至官网查看:
free and uses web-based technology and tools that can be accessed across platforms and devices. The curriculum is endorsed and approved by theCollege Boardand usesMakeCode Arcadeand game-based learning for increased student engagement. Learn more about the curriculum at: ...
Tsinglan School achieved a 50% female representation in AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) course, and the percentage of the female computer science exam takers (50%) exceeded that of the school’s female population (46.5%) during the 2022-23 school year. ...
AP CSP exam vocab 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 pair programming 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 method to help promote collaboration and create correct code. One person types in the program while the other reviews the program, states what to type in, and watches for errors 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 59...
To better understand the course expectations, review the following pages in the AP CSP Course and Exam Description document:The computational thinking practices skills page The course at-a-glance pagesIf students choose to take it, the AP Exam consists of two types of assessmen...