建议买AMSCO的复习书,书名是United States History, preparing for the advanced placement examination. 然后找一些past exams 做 (apcentral上有) 发布于 2015-03-09 14:22 赞同33 条评论 分享收藏喜欢收起黄总 历史/日语/文学/CS 关注 3 人赞同了该回答 我的apush教材也是Ameri...
第二,请利用好college board官方指导和各种官方资料。你应该上CB的官网,把你要考的哪一科的所有网址资料都好好浏览一遍,尤其是past exams, grading rubrics, scoring guides等。这些可以说是最珍贵的资料了,你可以看到阅卷老师是按照什么标准判分的、对于回答某种题型有什么建议、有什么常见错误等等。而且这些还都是...
For CS 2150 (the course I TA’d), I was one of two or three TAs who processed most – if not all – of the regrades for exams in the past two semesters. Although grades are ideally determined solely by the answer’s merit, there are a few simple ways you can make your grader’...
These exams, if you pass them, will allow you to open up your own practice where you will have the license to practice natural medicine in the general public. If you plan on working at a hospital or building your own practice, you must first pass these exams so that you can begin yo...
I took the course during my senior year and I had already picked a university by the time I had to choose my AP exams for the year. My university offered credit for the first semester of programming for CS majors for good scores on the AB exam. For the A exam, they offered cre...
Although colleges have accepted these mini-AP exams during past emergencies, do we have any assurances that credit will be granted for AP science exams taken by students who presumably did not complete all of their laboratory exercises because of corona-closures? Art Sawyer says: March 20, 2020...
In those days both the AP English Language and AP English Literature Exams were given at the same time, so students had to make a choice. Our department encouraged, but did not require, highly qualified juniors to take the language exam and suggested that seniors either take the literature ...
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