第三小问要从语言的角度先理解正确,且这问也可以说很多点。最简单的就是KKK,三K党,还有就是当时美国南方搞的Black Codes 和 文化测试 literacy tests等。 然后我就来到了2A部分,这个部分会先给你15分钟的阅读时间,然后需要对一个问题写一篇个片段。要注意的是考生需要利用考卷提供的7个sources。很多人问如何利用1...
② 心理学: Psychology and Life / the Science of Psychology / Barron / Princeton / Kaplan / 5 Steps to a 5 / racking the AP Psychology Exam / AP Psychology Crash Course等教材内容大同小异,主要是编排方式和详略程度的差异,详略程度大致依次递减。 学习时,可以先用知识点清晰、阐述详细、便于理解的...
Millions of Students Have Studied for AP Exams with The Princeton Review! Tap into 40 years of expertise, benefiting millions of AP students over the past 5 years.AP 5 Tutoring Available online Starting at $150/hr As low as $84/mo with Affirm. Score a 5 on your AP exam. Guaranteed...
针对留学生课程听不懂、学习跟不上以及科目学习薄弱问题匹配背景相符导师,1v1定制化线上面对面辅导。 论文辅导 讲解写作方法及内容, 确认研究方法, 搜集相关文献, 到根据 feedback 修改, 语言语法润色等全程护航。 考前冲刺辅导 帮助留学生考前快速冲刺,课程章节重点难点梳理讲解,解析past paper题目,预测exam考点。 挂科...
College Board, the administrator of AP exams, wants to make sure that, for example, a score of three on the Spanish Language AP this year reflects the same level of achievement as a score of three on last year’s exam, even though the tests themselves were different. In other words, ...
Each AP exam covers up to an entire year worth of material. Preparing for just one of these massive tests is challenging — and many students take several AP exams. Our expert programs help students balance the difficulty of preparing for multiple AP exams at once....
This article describes the comparability study that ended in 2002, which, unlike past studies, was conducted across all three of the modern foreign languages in the AP Program at that time. This study led to changes in the cut points used to convert exam scores to AP grades in all three ...
Students must go through the past year question papers to prepare well for the examination. It is the best way to know about type of questions asked in the examination. It also helps the students to get a rough idea of marking scheme. ...
score.It's not like the SAT, where messing up on one question can crush your dreams of an 800. Scaling is different for each exam, but in general even if you only get 70% of the questions correct, you can still end up with a 5.Read more details about how AP tests are scored ...
section, the AP Statistics exam tests very specific skills and subskills. Consequently, as you identify the correct and incorrect responses on your diagnostic exam, you’ll be able to identify very specific gaps in your knowledge, which you can then consider your areas needing improvement....