首先是中国学生选考最多且也容易成为优势学科的数理化(Sciences, Math & Computer Science)此类科目中,包含我国初高中就能接触到的科目:Biology 生物,Chemistry 化学,Physics 物理,即便是其他那些大学才会接触到的课程,也属于入门级别的,比如Calculus 微积分,Statistics 统计学,Environmental Science 环境科学,剩下的Compu...
4110 642 121 a month ago lightfm/481 A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm. 4106 1266 7 1 year, 11 months ago OUCML/482 None 4101 968 22 4 months ago WeRoBot/483 WeRoBot 是一个微信公众号开发框架 4099 302 41 7 years ago huxley/484 A testing system for ...
History, AP Computer Science A, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, AP English Language and Composition, AP World History: Modern *Note: Although AP Biology does include at least one calculation task, the majority of the tasks ask for short verbal answers supported by analysis. As a result...
This definition, a paraphrase of one offered by Aristotle in the first systematic textbook on the subject, The Art of Rhetoric, written in the fourth century B.C.E., incorporates not just the textual features but also the art of finding and analyzing— and, if appropriate, using—those ...