AP Computer Science A Textbook 1. Primitive Types 2. Using Objects 3. Boolean Expressions and if Statements 4. Iteration 5. Writing Classes 6. Arrays 6.1 Array 6.2 Traversing Arrays 6.3 Enhanced for Loop for Arrays Enhanced for Loops Enhanced For Loop Applications Enhanced For...
For example, if you have gone through your textbook, then as your test day draws closer, you may want a review book to keep the information lucid in your short-term memory. The Princeton Review and Barron’s are two generally well-regarded AP review book sources, butmake sure you’re ge...
AP计算机科学课程 分为 Computer Science A,Principle 计算机科学A,计算机科学原理这两门。 AP计算机科学原理是计算机科学与技术专业的入门先导课程,主要讲述计算机学科体系的框架和基本概念。既可以作为计算机专业的导论课,也可以作为其他专业学生成为当今信息社会合格公民的桥梁。该课程是计算机专业的入门级、基础课程,适合...
Computer Science计算机科学Psychology心理学Human Geography人文地理Environmental Science环境科学US Government and Politics美国政府与政治Statistics统计学Macroeconomics宏观经济学Microeconomics微观经济学 比较容易拿分的课程 其实心理学的争议还是比较大的,有些人认为好学,有些人认为难度系数还是不小的,包括很多学习AP课程的童...
AP Computer Science A Textbook This digital textbook follows the unit structure laid out by the College Board, and it will help prepare students for the AP CSA exam. It teaches the basics of object-oriented programming with a focus on problem-solving and algorithm development. ...
Textbook Page: this page has lots of Java information including student files which you will want to download. Java Applications Programming Interfaces (API)this is a primary source for information about the Java language. Java Subset:AP Computer Science uses a limited subset of the Java language...
Computer Science计算机科学Psychology心理学Human Geography人文地理Environmental Science环境科学US Government and Politics美国政府与政治Statistics统计学Macroeconomics宏观经济学Microeconomics微观经济学 比较容易拿分的课程 其实心理学的争议还是比较大的,有些人认为好学,有些人认为难度系数还是不小的,包括很多学习AP课程的童...