👩🏫推荐油管博主:PatrickJMT、3Blue1Brown、The Organic Chemistry Tutor 📋学习网站:Khan Academy、Paul's Online Math Notes🔹AP化学: 👩🏫推荐油管博主:Tyler DeWitt、Bozeman Science 📋学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts🔹AP物理: 👩🏫推荐油管博主:Flipping Physics...
Prepare for AP Chemistry with a self-paced course. With 92% of users passing their exam, video lessons and practice quizzes on major chemistry concepts and formulas like properties of matter and atomic structure have proven to be a success
🌟 推荐油管博主:Tyler DeWitt、Bozeman Science 📖 学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts🌌 AP物理 🌟 推荐油管博主:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 📖 学习网站:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom🌿 AP生物 🌟 推荐油管博主:Amoeba Sisters、Crash Course Biology 📖 学...
网址:https://www.sciencegeek.net/APchemistry/index.shtml 3、AP Biology AP历史 油管名师教学频道 Heimler’s History/Crash Course: 这个YouTube频道是Heimler老师和Crash Course制作的AP欧洲历史的速成课程,通过短视频的形式教授应对AP考试的技巧,包括Essay的结构、论点、论据等。John Green老师的Crash Course视频也...
Advanced Biology Through Inquiry Teacher Guide Advanced Chemistry Through Inquiry Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual Advanced Physics 2 Lab Manual Advanced Environmental and Earth Sciences Teacher Guide Follow Us Newsletters, Video, and Social Media Contact Us Toll Free: 1-800-772-8700 Phone: 1-91...
网站资源:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts AP 物理 视频资源:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 网站资源:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom AP 生物 视频资源:Amoeba Sisters、Crash Course Biology 网站资源:Learn Genetics、Biology Corner ...
Chemistry Honors / Chem AP / College General Chemistry Notes Unit 1: Foundations (Significant Figures, Conversions, Naming & Formulas of Compounds) Significant Figures and Rounding Significant Figures, Conversions, Temperature Conversions, Density, States of Matter, Heterogeneous/Homogeneous, Physical/Chemica...
For some students, this course enables them to undertake, in their first year, second-year work in the chemistry sequence at their institution or to register in courses in other fields where general chemistry is a prerequisite . For other students, the AP Chemistry course fulfills the ...
- AP Chemistry 化学 主要靠教材、作业和真题,教辅效果因人而异。推荐巴朗,很全面细致,基本可以零基础直接学,但由于内容多所以进度较慢。 - AP Psychology 心理学 巴朗非常全面、比较清晰(大多数概念都有生动形象的例子,很有助于理解),补充了教材缺的知识点,配合教材一起看或复习用效果都不错;每课的key terms...
在线学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts 🚀AP物理 YouTube推荐博主:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 在线学习网站:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom 📜AP美国历史 YouTube推荐博主:Jocz Productions、Adam Norris、Crash Course US History 在线学习网站:USHistory.org、Digital Hist...