📋学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts🔹AP物理: 👩🏫推荐油管博主:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 📋学习网站:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom🔹AP生物: 👩🏫推荐油管博主:Amoeba Sisters、Crash Course Biology 📋学习网站:Learn Genetics、Biology Corner🔹...
📖 学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts🌌 AP物理 🌟 推荐油管博主:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 📖 学习网站:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom🌿 AP生物 🌟 推荐油管博主:Amoeba Sisters、Crash Course Biology 📖 学习网站:Learn Genetics、Biology Corner🧠 AP心理...
Course Summary Check out the comprehensive course and study guide available in this course as you get ready to take the AP Chemistry exam. These fun lessons and quizzes help you review all of the major chemistry terms, definitions, and formulas on which you'll be tested. ...
由俄勒冈大学提供的ChemDemos是一个在线虚拟实验室,按照各个化学主题给出化学实验的虚拟演示。这些虚拟演示可以帮助学生在课堂上进行展示,更好地理解化学实验原理。 网址:https://chemdemos.uoregon.edu/ AP化学资源网站 Chemmybear: Chemmybear是由经验丰富的AP化学教师Paul Groves提供的AP化学资源网站。网站包含了课堂...
网站资源:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts AP 物理 视频资源:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 网站资源:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom AP 生物 视频资源:Amoeba Sisters、Crash Course Biology 网站资源:Learn Genetics、Biology Corner ...
化学:Chemguide / Resources 生物:A-Level Biology / BioTopics 考试局官网: CAIE考试局: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/ 图源自官网截图 对于刚接触IGCSE和A-Level课程的学生而言,该网站极具实用价值!网站涵盖了考试科目大...
在线学习网站:ChemGuide、Chem Tutor、Chemistry LibreTexts 🚀AP物理 YouTube推荐博主:Flipping Physics、Dan Fullerton、Bozeman Science 在线学习网站:HyperPhysics、The Physics Classroom 📜AP美国历史 YouTube推荐博主:Jocz Productions、Adam Norris、Crash Course US History 在线学习网站:USHistory.org、Digital Hist...
Chemistry Honors / Chem AP / College General Chemistry Notes Unit 1: Foundations (Significant Figures, Conversions, Naming & Formulas of Compounds) Significant Figures and Rounding Significant Figures, Conversions, Temperature Conversions, Density, States of Matter, Heterogeneous/Homogeneous, Physical/Chemica...
Biology 4分 & Chem 4分: 我的弱项一直都是生物和化学,我只用了Barron的生物,没有生物竞赛的基础,感觉非常难杂,建议不要只看Barron,有生物竞赛背景再好不过了。化学我看了Barron和Princeton。 最后我想说的是,无论是1门AP还是10门AP,大家都知道既然决定了就要把事情做好,我当时4月份复习AP的时候看到很多已经...
Not sure how to begin studying for the AP Chemistry exam?This review guide will help you figure out what's on the test and how you can ace it. I'll go over the AP Chem exam structure, provide sample questions in each format, list the concepts you can expect to see on the test, ...