同学们要注意学习教材,AP官方推荐的教材(Zumdahl, et al., Chemistry, 10th Edition.或Brown, et al., Chemistry, The Central Science, 14th Edition.)与考试范围并不完全符合。具体考点范围应看CB官方的 Ap chemistry course and exam...
AP classroom AP Classroom是由AP考试组织方Collage Board官方为备考学生开发的一套在线课程系统,紧密贴合Collage Board官方考试要求(Course Description),在每个知识点提供概述性的视频及相关练习题,辅助学生整理考点脉络,了解考试中各项内容的比重和分值,有效协助学生备考AP考试。其中还有一个官方AP考试的题库,包括一...
2 AP Course Description(College Board) 每年更新的考试大纲,即必考的图片。使用时还需记忆作品的风格和年代,以便应对考试时出现的同期其他作品。 教辅推荐:巴朗Barron’s 适合复习使用(不足:内容不全) 人文地理 Human Geology 推荐教材:Fellman...
内容提示: AP® Chemistry About the Advanced Placement Program ® (AP ® ) The Advanced Placement Program ® has enabled millions of students to take college-level courses and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both, while still in high school. AP Exams are given each year in ...
The range and depth of topics covered are equivalent to that of a one-year college-level general chemistry course. The course includes in-depth instruction in the following five main content areas (as outlined in the College Board AP Course Description): • structure of matter (atomic theory...
AP CHEMISTRY COURSE OVERVIEW: This course will cover all the topics included in the Chemistry Course Description as it appears on the AP Central website. The main objectives of this class are to prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam and for subsequent college courses in chemistry. The...
本书的布局方式十分简洁,可以顺利地从初中知识所学直接过渡到AP Chemistry。本书逻辑线清晰,讲解明了,并附有很多习题,着实是一本很好的教材。 优点:包含了所有AP Chem的考点,并且每一章节的练习题十分充足。 缺点:练习题种类太多,而且有的问题问的有些不知所云。
- AP Chemistry 化学 主要靠教材、作业和真题,教辅效果因人而异。推荐巴朗,很全面细致,基本可以零基础直接学,但由于内容多所以进度较慢。 - AP Psychology 心理学 巴朗非常全面、比较清晰(大多数概念都有生动形象的例子,很有助于理解),补充了教材缺的知识点,配合教材一起看或复习用效果都不错;每课的key terms...
中国热门的考试科目有Calculus BC,Calculus AB, Chemistry, Physics C, Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Psychology等。这些科目对中国学生来说比较简单,同时容错率较高,curve友好,5分率高,较好出分。 2023年最新消息:大学理事会AP项目高级副主席Trevor Packer在其个人推特上更新了2023年AP考试中的6门科目的...