5. 把目的写在id里的Fiveable(全能youtuber)Five+able,没人比它更希望你拿五分!有preview帮助新生预习,也有review帮助考生考前快速过一遍知识点,甚至还有practice test的解析。以前学统计遇到不会的章节偶尔会看一下这个博主,后来才发现它居然什么都有!这么万能的youtuber早关注早省心。6. 可以和老师叫板的Boz...
而FRQ是你要写很多,一题对应的可能才三四个知识点。一个小frq就是SRQ的话基本上对应两三个左右知识点,或者四五个。lang FRQ就是LRQ的话,它可能撑死了对应十个知识点,跟选择题相比还是很少的,你要写很多才对应几个知识点。 所以,我们可能没有办法通过大量刷FRQ来判断自己知识点的缺失。但是,multiple choice对应...
总览👇一、全能网站:1.AP的youtube账号(全能youtuber)https://www.youtube.com/@advancedplacement/playlists2. quizlet(全能网站)https://quizlet.com/cn3. study.com(全能网站)https://study.com4. Khan Academy(全能网站)...
Unfortunately, by offering just one FRQ on the Literature exam this year, some students received a prompt that felt easier or harder than the prompt that others received. It is now clear that giving a range of prompts on the same test date was one of the security measures that College ...
This is another time your class syllabus will come in handy, as you'll be able to plot out your review schedule in a way that makes sense. You'll want toreview all the major content areas you have covered or will cover in class. But it doesn't make a lot of sense to review somet...
Are AP Physics 1 FRQ's appropriate for First Year Student This post is directed at the college professors and graduate TA's on the forum. You may or maynot be aware that the College Board recently redesigned the algebra/trig based AP physics course and split it into two - 1 year cours...
与美国申请看重全面性评价(holistic review)不同,英国大学侧重学术实力,因此对于用AP成绩的申请者,...
词汇的掌握的话,建议至少到达巴郎3500的水平,另一个个人比较的书是Princeton Review的Word Smart,对于单词的记忆和理解很有帮助。除了上述准备之外,就是去官网看历年的作文题目和满分答案了,仔细分析范文的得分点。 Literature and Composition方面,更注重文学分析,比如选择题和FRQ会考诗歌。诗歌刚开始接触可能会比较困难...
但是说到重点放在哪里,在分数过关的基础上,录取的关键在非分数材料上面。申请前20的关键是 1)合情...