而FRQ是你要写很多,一题对应的可能才三四个知识点。一个小frq就是SRQ的话基本上对应两三个左右知识点,或者四五个。lang FRQ就是LRQ的话,它可能撑死了对应十个知识点,跟选择题相比还是很少的,你要写很多才对应几个知识点。 所以,我们可能没有办法通过大量刷FRQ来判断自己知识点的缺失。但是,multiple choice对应...
Even during normal AP testing, some students will have happened to study an FRQ topic in more detail, or just have a stronger affinity for it than other students. Unfortunately, by offering just one FRQ on the Literature exam this year, some students received a prompt that felt easier or h...
FRQ的准备和Language and Composition一样,去CB官网下载历年真题和高分范本后仔细研究。另一方面,FRQ”第三篇是open essay,围绕给定主题从自己的积累里找素材“,推荐在考前阅读一些文学名著,“精读一到两篇长篇小说/戏剧,再加两三部小说/戏剧用来保险“。 非精读的小说/戏剧,除了可以查阅维基百科外,在此还推荐一个...
Are AP Physics 1 FRQ's appropriate for First Year Student This post is directed at the college professors and graduate TA's on the forum. You may or maynot be aware that the College Board recently redesigned the algebra/trig based AP physics course and split it into two - 1 year cours...