How many hours you need to spend on studying for AP tests every weekis going to depend a lot on how much material you need to review and how comfortable you are with the format of the exam questions. In general, though, you should expect to study for several hours a week split over ...
My general idea is this: let’s say you’re currently in Calc AB, or Spanish, or physics, and you plan to take Calc BC, or the next year of Spanish or physics next year – then there might not be much downside to just waiting. What about if you’re taking US History this year ...
而FRQ是你要写很多,一题对应的可能才三四个知识点。一个小frq就是SRQ的话基本上对应两三个左右知识点,或者四五个。lang FRQ就是LRQ的话,它可能撑死了对应十个知识点,跟选择题相比还是很少的,你要写很多才对应几个知识点。 所以,我们可能没有办法通过大量刷FRQ来判断自己知识点的缺失。但是,multiple choice对应...