b o r on tri fl u o ride method as descri b e d, for ex a m- ple, in AOCS Official Method Ce 2-66 or IUPAC 2.301 (References, 5 and 6). (b) B e f o r e test portions are taken from samples, the samples should be mixed thoro u g h ly. Solid samples should be mel...
Nimal Ratnayake, W., Hansen, S., Kennedy, M.; Evaluation of the CP-Sil 88 and SP-2560 GC columns used in the recently approved AOCS official method Ce 1h-05: Determination of cis-, trans-, satu- rated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in vege- table or non-ruminant ...
AOCS Official Method Cc 17-95 (Reapproved 2017) 百检网-专业的第三方检测检验平台,专业提供食用油检测等相关检测检验服务,提供权威的CMA/CNAS检测报告,检测周期短、费用低、服务周到,做检测就上百检网。 AOCS Official Method Cc 13e-92(Reapproved-2017) 百检网-专业的第三方检测检验平台,专业提供植物油脂...
AOCS Official Method Cc 10a-25(Reapproved-2017) 百检网-专业的第三方检测检验平台,专业提供植物油脂检测等相关检测检验服务,提供权威的CMA/CNAS检测报告,检测周期短、费用低、服务周到,做检测就上百检网。 AOCS Official Method Ca 6a-40(Reapproved-2017) 百检网-专业的第三方检测检验平台,专业提供植物油脂...
AOCS Official Method Ce 6-86 "Antioxidants, Liquid Chromatographic Method" was originally developed to confirm the correct antioxidant was added at the specified concentration to refined oils. Today, this method is increasingly utilized to validate that antioxidants are absent from oil products. False ...
MethodDEFINITIONThis method determines the moisture and any other material volatile under the conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to animal and vegetable fats, but not to drying or semidrying oils or oils of the coconut group. It is not applicable to fats containing added monoglycerides.SAMPLING...
Page 1 of 2SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL FATS AND OILSAOCS Official Method Cd 8-53Surplus 2003Peroxide ValueAcetic Acid–Chloroform MethodDEFINITIONThis method determines all substances, in terms of milliequivalents of peroxide per 1000 grams ofsample, that oxidize potassium iodide (KI) under ...
内容提示: Page 1 of 3AOCS Official Method Ba 14-87Reapproved 2009Total Hexane Content in Extracted MealsDEFINITIONExtraction of oilseeds with hydrocarbon-based solvents results in a residue (extracted meal) containing residual volatile hydrocarbons. The total residual hexane content in extracted meals ...
AOCS Official Method Ba 2a-38(2009)SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF OILSEED BY-PRODUCTS APPARATUS 1. Aluminum moisture dishes—minimum 30 gauge, approximately 50 ×20 mm, with tight-fitting slip-over covers (see Notes, 2, 3).2. Forced-draft oven—AOCS Specification H 1-39.3. Desiccator—containing...
b o r on tri fl u o ride method as descri b e d, for ex a m- ple, in AOCS Official Method Ce 2-66 or IUPAC 2.301 (References, 5 and 6).(b) B e f o r e test portions are taken from samples, the samples should be mixed thoro u g h ly. Solid samples should be ...