ExamplesExample1–ReducingaLogicalVectortoaScalar ConditionGivenA=[0.530.670.010.380.070.420.69]then B=(A<0.5)returnslogical1(true)onlywhereAis lessthanonehalf:0011110Theanyfunction reducessuchavectoroflogicalconditionstoasingle 答案2::any:当向量中的元素有非零元素时返回值为1any ...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
I am looking for a function or proceudre, which would convert the given value to nearest big value, for example: Input: Expected OUTPUT: 2598 2600 2499 2500 2399 2400 2299 2300 2199 2200 2099 2100 1999 2000 1898 2000 1797 1800댓글 수: 0 댓글...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
example B = any(A,'all') tests over all elements of A. This syntax is valid for MATLAB® versions R2018b and later. B = any(A,dim) tests elements along dimension dim. The dim input is a positive integer scalar. example B = any(A,vecdim) tests elements based on the dimensions ...
The output is a vector of logical values. Theanyfunction reduces such a vector of logical values to a single condition. In this case,B = any(A < 0.5)yields logical1. This makesanyparticularly useful inifstatements. if any(A < 0.5) ...