【 MATLAB 】any 函数介绍(确定是否有任意数组元素非零) Determine if any array elements are nonzero(确定是否有任何数组元素非零) Syntax B = any(A) B = any(A,dim) Description B= any(A)沿着A的第一个数组维度进行测试,其大小不等于1,并确定是否有任何元素是非零数字或逻辑1(真)。 实际上,any是...
问题:matlab中any函数的作用是什么了?_ 问题描述: 答案1::anyDeterminewhetheranyarrayelementsare nonzeroSyntaxB=any(A)B=any(A,dim)DescriptionB=any(A) testswhetheranyoftheelementsalongvariousdimensions ofanarrayisanonzeronumberorislogical1(true).any ...
any - Determine whether any array elements are nonzero Syntax B = any(A)B = any(A,dim)Description B = any(A) tests whether any of the elements along various dimensions of an array is a nonzero number or is logical 1 (true). The any function ignores entries that are NaN...
B = 1x1x3 logical array B(:,:,1) = 1 B(:,:,2) = 0 B(:,:,3) = 1 Input Arguments collapse all A— Input array scalar | vector | matrix | multidimensional array Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array. The any function ignores elements of ...
B = 1x1x3 logical array B(:,:,1) = 1 B(:,:,2) = 0 B(:,:,3) = 1 Input Arguments collapse all A— Input array scalar | vector | matrix | multidimensional array Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array. The any function ignores elements of ...
Determine whether any array elements are nonzeroSyntaxB = any(A)B = any(A,dim)DescriptionB = any(A) tests whether any of the elements along various dimensions of an array is a nonzero number or is logical 1 (true). The any function ignores entries that are NaN (Not a Number).If ...
B = 1x1x3 logical array B(:,:,1) = 1 B(:,:,2) = 0 B(:,:,3) = 1 Input Arguments collapse all A— Input array scalar | vector | matrix | multidimensional array Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array. The any function ignores elements of ...
B =1x7 logical array 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 The output is a vector of logical values. Theanyfunction reduces such a vector of logical values to a single condition. In this case,B = any(A < 0.5)yields logical1. This makesanyparticularly useful inifstatements. ...
B = 1x1x3 logical array B(:,:,1) = 1 B(:,:,2) = 0 B(:,:,3) = 1 Input Arguments collapse all A— Input array scalar | vector | matrix | multidimensional array Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array. The any function ignores elements of ...